thirty one / lucy-jade

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As soon as we were back inside the terminal building, Joe had disappeared. We looked for at least ten minutes before giving up and going to collect our cases. Andy took Joe's too and we continued our search for him. Eventually, we found him out by the entrance with a happy smile on his face. I noticed he was on his phone to somebody. Whoever it was, they were making him smile a hell of a lot. He was laughing too. When he hung up, he smiled at his phone before putting it into his pocket. He looked up to see us all staring at him with smirks. We knew what this was, it was a girl.

We hailed a cab and I took my chance to jump in next to Joe.

''So, tell me everything,'' I wiggled my eyebrows.

''What?'' Joe questioned, fixing his seatbelt into place.

I rolled my eyes, ''Come on. Who's the chick?''

Joe just laughed, ''Her name is Lucy-Jade and well, yeah that's it,''.

''That's it? That's IT?'' I quietly shouted, he laughed again, ''Where did you meet her? Are you dating? Tell me stuff Joseph!'' I punched his arm and he sighed, smiling at me.

''You're not going to give up are you?'' I shook my head, grinning.

Joe told me everything on the journey to the hotel. Her name was Lucy-Jade and she was the same age as Joe. They met on tour a few months ago. She was lost and Joe helped her, also getting her number in the process. They had been dating for around a month and none of us knew. Damn, that guy is sneaky.

We checked into the hotel. It was posh, really posh. I had never stayed anywhere like this in my entire life. Everything was marble. The floor, the desks, the stairs, everything. We were given three room keys and Patrick distributed them out to us all whilst we were inside the elevator.

''Who are we sharing with?'' I asked, looking at my room key. I saw Pete glance over, checking the number on my key.

''Me and Andy will take the room next to Ell, it's inter-connecting so we can keep an eye,'' Pete winked and I just narrowed my eyes at him.

''Sure,'' Patrick shrugged, ''We'll meet you guys in reception in an hour? We can go get some dinner from somewhere or something,''.

''Sounds good!'' Andy nodded and we all echoed him.

I pretended to be unlocking my door, but waited till Patrick and Joe had gone into their room to confront Pete. I walked over to him and Andy as they tried to open their door, but were holding the key the wrong way round.

''Keep an eye? Really?'' I punched his arm.

''Ow! You got a strong hit for a girl!'' Pete rubbed his forearm, pouting. I gave him a glare, ''Yeah, keep an eye. You know how it is, can't have a pretty girl like you by yourself when I can't keep an eye,'' Pete smirked.

''Dude you're a full on pervert!'' Andy shouted, finally opening their door.

I laughed to myself and unlocked the door to my own room. I closed the door behind me and the first thing I saw when I walked in was an open door and Pete laid on my bed. I raised an eyebrow and stood with my case in the doorway.

''I told you it was inter-connecting!''.

AN comment/vote/share ily guys, sorry for the huge update delay:3

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