twenty three / helpless

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"So how is she?"
I listened out intently when Brendon and co entered the room. It felt a lot more like home now, especially with everyone here. But in some ways, I missed it being just me and Patrick.
"She's okay, I just miss her a lot. I just want to see her smile," Patrick spoke softly and I could mentally see his lip quivering as he stroked my hair. It was amazing how attached you could get to someone that hasn't been there from the start.
"She'll come round, she has to beat Dallon at bowling again,"
Playful insults broke out around the room and it soon turned into laughter. I was so happy to hear everybody being themselves again and it filled me with joy. I couldn't even help it, I felt the corners of my mouth curve up into a smile.
"Dude she's smiling," Kenny pointed out.
"Well would you look at that," I felt Joe by the side of me. I hadn't spend much time with Joe, but he could lighten my mood in an instant. I felt him lean over to my ear.
"Please wake up soon," kissing my cheek, I knew that it was from all of them. They all wanted me to wake up and I wanted to myself. I found it so weird that I could hear them and feel them and even gain the strength to smile and squeeze Patrick's hand, but I just couldn't wake up. All it took was the strength of my eyelids to lift up and then I'd be there. I knew that I'd have to do it soon or they'd give up home. Going on visiting arrivals, I'd say that I'd been here around a week. I'm pretty sure that wasn't normal from a blackout, but I remember hitting my head as I came down. Come on, self, wake up.

Pete's P.O.V

I hated this. I hated seeing her lying there with no emotion on her face. I knew that it was all my fault too. I signed the goddamn band before I even met them. I was sent the demo, signed the forms and let everyone else do the rest. And now Ellianah was like this. When I approached her, she was literally screaming at me to get away from her. She hated me, she was scared of me.
Patrick knew about our kiss and he didn't talk to me for a day. He would avoid me and not even look in my direction. He loved her like his own, and my own stupid feelings had gotten in the way of what he wanted. He didn't plan for his best friend to fall in love with his adopted daughter, but it happened and now I feel like I've fucked it all up. I have to put aside my feelings. I can't love her anymore. No matter how beautiful she is and how amazing her personality is and now to mention how good she kisses, I couldn't do it. I had to fix it for Patrick, and being in love with her wasn't the way.
I looked over at Patrick. He was holding onto Ellianah's hand, crying tears onto the floor. His hair was a mess and he hadn't slept for days. I watched through the crowd of people in the room and saw him kiss her hand and leave it at his lips as he watched her. I felt so helpless. Helpless, pathetic and still in love.

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