twenty / poor little heart

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‘’Patrick knows?’’ I suddenly bolted upright in my bed. My covers accidently fell down but I grabbed them and pulled them back, covering myself up.

‘’Pete!’’ I clapped my hands as he stood before me, staring.

‘’Sorry, boobs distract me!’’

‘’Whose boobs?’’ I screamed and dropped my covers again when Andy walked in. He stood staring alongside Pete. I narrowed my eyes at them both and threw on a t-shirt so it didn’t happen again.

‘’That shirt is see throu-‘’

‘’Shut it Peter,’’

I glared at him and Andy closed the door. Both boys came and took a seat on my bed. Andy began to flicker his gaze between us both questioningly. I turned to Pete, hoping he’d take the reins and explain everything to Andy. I put all my trust in Andy, every single piece of it. I wasn’t the closest to him, I think I was probably closest to Pete or Patrick, but for some reason, I trusted Andy with everything that I have.

‘’I kissed Ell last night and Patrick knows,’’

‘’Way to be subtle,’’ I mumbled.

Andy chuckled, ‘’And?’’

‘’And,’’ Pete continued, ‘’He seems pissed. He didn’t talk to me all morning and last night, he just stared at us both,’’

‘’Ellianah do you like him?’’ I blinked at Andy


‘’No, Pete you loser!’’ Andy playfully shoved my arm. I bumped him back and giggled. I almost got so caught up in our little game that I forgot Pete was in the room, so when I answered Andy’s question with an un-sure yes, I began to feel extremely awkward. I quickly covered my face with my hands in attempt to try and get the outside world to disappear. I heard Andy giggle and a soft chuckled come from behind me.

‘’You’re really pretty,’’ I heard Pete’s voice from behind me. Andy stood up and discretely winked at me.

‘’Andy,’’ He stopped at the door when I called out to him. Me and Pete both spoke up, ‘’Don’t tell Patrick?’’

Andy laughed a little, ‘’I won’t’’.

I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks and I turned around to face Pete. He just smiled at me. Even though we’ve been in closer situations than this before, I’d never given myself the chance to admire how handsome Pete really is. He has such beautiful eyes and a heart melting smile. His nose is perfect and cute and his hair is always perfect, no matter how it looks. Even without mentioning his bright and caring personality, you wouldn’t be surprised at the amount of attention he gets, would you?


‘’Hey there,’’ Pete grinned cheekily at me.

‘’Are you sure Patrick knows?’’

‘’No, but I shit myself whenever he looks at me,’’

‘’I’m pretty sure he won’t beat you up,’’

‘’You never know?’’

‘’Shut up,’’ I punched Pete’s chest and he laughed.

‘’Rock hard,’’ He slapped his chest and I just laughed. I didn’t really know what to do next. Both of us sat in silence, staring at each other. Know that Andy knew, I felt re-assured about the whole thing, even though that I didn’t really know what the thing was. Sure, I just basically expressed to Pete that I liked him when he was a good five years older than me, but I still didn’t know how we were going to play this out between ourselves. I knew that Andy would only ever speak if it was totally necessary so if the topic ever did come up, Andy would come out with a huge statement about how he feels and it would over-ride everybody else.

Pete kissed me again. I kissed back, knowing that this kiss was sober. I still wasn’t sure about how Pete felt, but I guess this kiss was the first clue to the answer of that question.

I soon realised what was happening and gently pulled away from Pete, ‘’I’m sorry. I’m just scared about Patrick,’’

Pete sighed, nodding, ‘’I know. It was dumb of me and I’m sorry,’’

‘’No it’s fine Pete, honest,’’

‘’Let’s just, forget about it, for now at least?’’

I tried hard to ignore the lump in my throat and choke out an answer, but I couldn’t. I had to nod as a response, holding back my silent cries.

‘’That’s my girl,’’

Pete didn’t smile. He just pulled me onto his lap and mumbled something over and over into my hair. I let him, too. I didn’t want to leave him and I didn’t want to stay either. I knew that we would never work out in a million years, but for some reason, my heart couldn’t grasp that.

a/n aw, poor Ellianah, and Pete too I suppose. 

I think their relationship will be on the story line for the next few chapters mainly, and then fade a little as I progress with this. I hope you liked this chapter! 


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