fifty - three [no more]

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Three months past. I was having the time of my life living with Pete and Bronx and I had made a really strong connection. I picked him up from school sometimes when Pete was busy and he came out running with the biggest grin on his face when he saw me. I hadn't spoke to Patrick since. The baby was doing okay, so I'd been told. And the baby was also a boy. I wasn't going to lie, I was excited as heck. I'd never been around a baby before, ever. So as weird as it sounded, I was excited, despite not being on good terms with Patrick.

But things couldn't all be good. Ryan and I were having problems in our relationship. We were never with each other and when we were...there was nothing anymore. He was always working on his music and I was helping out with Bronx or housekeeping and cleaning. There was nothing to talk about anymore. The only thing that kept us together for all these months was the good stuff. And even through all that he hadn't once told me he loved me again. It was painful, but this convinced me that we had to stay together. I just don't know when we're both going to give up. It was affecting me in different ways. I wasn't eating or sleeping and of course there was nobody to pick up on this. Pete was working with the band so he was home way after I'd gone to bed and was gone was before I left my room again. It was an endless cycle and I could feel myself changing. But I didn't let it change me. I couldn't. I had to keep going and even just seeing Pete on weekdays and spending time together instead of being in awkward situations which led to sex with Ryan was something I looked forward to greatly. But I knew I had to do something or I could never be happy.

I took Bronx to school and walked to Ryan's apartment. It was almost Christmas and the cold was harsh and bitter. Nipping at me as I walked on, the frost began to form flakes in my hair. I shook them off when I reached the porch. I rang the bell and Ryan buzzed me in. I pushed open the door and took the lift up to his floor. I walked along the corridor, my heels of my boots thumping against the carpeted hallway. I knocked on the front door and Ryan opened it with a smile. I returned it as he went in to kiss me. I quickly kissed him back and took a seat on the sofa. He threw me a can of diet coke, how all our meetings started, then perched himself next to me. I sipped my drink slowly, neither of us spoke. It was like this most of the time, sometimes we spoke for a few minutes, sometimes it just led to sex.

Ryan leaned in to kiss me, mumbling something that I couldn't quite hear. I dodged his lips and he pulled back, looking shocked. I looked down at my shoes and waited for Ryan to speak. I waited and waited and he said nothing. I finally decided I had to speak up. I didn't want this anymore.

"Ryan I don't want this anymore,"

"W-what?" I looked up at Ryan's concerned expression.

"I can't do it. We have nothing to talk about...there's nothing there at all and I know the only thing that's keeping us together is sex and that's not the right way to have a healthy relationship..."

He stood up and walked away. He went over to the window and pressed his face up against the glass. I stayed looking at the ground. Every second that past, I felt my heart move upwards to my mouth. I felt something towards Ryan, I just didn't know what it was. He was sweet at the start, then it went downhill, but I still couldn't shake him off. I was hoping that this would.

"You're right,"

"huh?" I snapped. Ryan turned from the window.

"You're right. We've been doing this for so long and," he laughed nervously, "We both know that it's not right and we should have realised this earlier...I'm sorry,".

We spoke for a while more. We decided as a couple that we weren't going to last much longer anyway. The decision to break up was a joint one and it was also the right one. I said goodbye to Ryan, but we promised to keep in touch. As I walked out of the apartment, my alarm went off on my phone. It said 'Pick Bronx up from school'. I had 10 minutes to get to the other side of town for him. I picked up my pace and tried to ignore the cold as I walked.

I arrived at the school gates 5 minutes late. Bronx was stood in the doorway with his teacher. Everybody else had left and I felt a rush of guilt throughout me. I quickly ran over to them and Bronx grinned, running to me and hugging me.


"Hey Bronx! Sorry I'm late, I got caught up in stuff," I apologised to his teacher and Bronx held my hand as we walked out of the gates. It was beginning to snow and Bronx pulled his hat out of his backpack and pulled it over his blonde curls.

"Hey how about we get some dinner from somewhere?"

"Yeah!" Bronx smiled, "Pizza Hut?"


Bronx and I walked through the snow to Pizza Hut. We were given a table and straight away Bronx was over at the ice cream station, tipping endless toppings onto his bowl of vanilla ice cream. I laughed and told him to wait till after dinner. He frowned, but agreed. Halfway through our meal, I got a call from Pete.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Pizza Hut with Bronx, why?"

"Oh, that's cool. Just hurry home okay? I have a surprise for you,".

AN hiii.

so I've changed my mind a little???? there isn't many chapters left in the book. I love writing this but it takes up so much of my time. There's certain things in this book that I'm not happy with so I will be editing it sometime in the future. Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter, HUGE PLOT TWIST !!!!!



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