forty six / reunited

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‘’Ellianah?’’ Pete smiled when he noticed me amongst the people. Ryan was now sat with us and I had my hand firmly wrapped around his. He knew how nervous I was. I gently let go of Ryan and stood up, quickly walking into Pete’s outstretched arms. He didn’t hesitate to embrace me either, and he held me so close to his chest that slowly the sound of everyone else in the room began to fade out, and all I could hear was Pete’s breathing. I even heard his sniff and I knew he was crying when I felt a tear drop down into my hair.

I squeezed my arms around him tighter, letting him know that I’d missed him too. It was obvious Pete had missed me most, despite Patrick and everything. I wasn’t blaming his new girlfriend, she was super nice, but I was upset about Patrick. Pete’s hug made it better a little though.

‘’Can we go somewhere?’’ He whispered in my ear, tugging gently at my hand with a smile. I nodded.

I turned around to Ryan who was looking at us with somewhat of a smile etched onto his face, ‘’I just…’’ I tried to explain but Ryan nodded. I thanked him silently and Pete pulled me out of the crowded room. I felt Patrick watch me from behind people as we left. It put me on edge and I didn’t like it. I was glad when we were away from everyone.

‘’I’ve missed you so much,’’ Pete breathed, hugging me again. I hugged him back and we both took a seat. We were in Pete’s dressing room which was currently occupied by just us as a stagehand left as we walked in.

Pete proceeded to tell me about tour so far and I told him how proud I was. He was eager to know about what I’d been up to with Brendon and Sarah. I told him about my cooking, finding Olivia again and visiting Spencer. He told me that they’d all been to see Spencer a few days ago and he was doing much better. It made me suddenly feel guilty that I hadn’t seen him in a while. Then Pete asked about Ryan.

‘’Anyway who invited Ryan? Not that I’m bothered, I’m happy the guys here I just mean-‘’

I cut him off with a laugh, ‘’Dude! You ramble too much!’’ I grinned and he broke into a cute smile.

‘’I invited him, I mean, well Brendon. I’ve been hanging out with Ryan a lot recently and I thought maybe he could come and see the show, that’s cool right?’’ I said hopefully. I knew Pete wouldn’t be mad, but I wasn’t sure how he’d take me and Ryan…whatever we were.

‘’Yeah, yeah, so what’s been-‘’

‘’Pete? We gotta sound check,’’ Joe poked his head around the door, winking at me. I smiled with a slight blush and we both stood up. I hugged both boys as they walked the opposite way to me.

Patrick and Ryan came walking towards me, I began to feel nervous and I slipped my hands inside my sleeves, something I always did when I got nervous. Ryan noticed my expression and he quickly ended his conversation with Patrick to come over to me.

‘’Hey I was just looking for you, you okay?’’ he pulled my hand from my sleeve and laced our fingers together. I smiled and again felt Patrick’s steel glare as he walked past. He didn’t say anything to either of us, which made me more upset. The lump in my throat began to grow and I wanted to cry so much, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

I thought of Pete and how he hugged me, then looked at Ryan and I’s hands. I looked up at him with my best ‘fine’ smile, ‘’Yeah, I’m great,’’. I knew he could see through me like a sheet of glass, just like Pete.

‘’Good, you had me worried there for a second,’’ he kissed my cheek and we walked down the hallway together.

Exactly. Just like a sheet of glass, and just like Pete.


it's been like a year since i updated lmao but I'm happy with this chapter i guess even though it's kinda short. 

thanks for 55k too! that's literally unbelieveable and I cant being to contemplate how happy it makes me, so thank you so much. 

P.S does anyone watch the walking dead?? and is there anywhere online i can watch american horror story for free???

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