fifty-seven [bad blood]

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"Christmas Christmas Christmas come on guys!"

I was crudely awoken at the early peak time of 8AM by Bronx jumping on the bed. I heard Pete groan and I buried my face deep into my pillow. I was unbelievably tired since Bronx would not go to sleep, so Pete and I were up until God knows what hour reading him Christmas stories until his eyes fell shut.

"Alright, we're coming. Go get your slippers on or your feet will get cold," Pete brushed Bronx away and he excitedly ran out of the room in search of his slippers. This gave us not long to come around and actually let our eyes adjust to the bleak winter sun peeking through the thick curtains.

"Merry Christmas," Pete smiled at me, throwing me my pyjamas.

"Merry Christmas to you too, Peter," I smiled back and got dressed, going into Bronx's room as he called out for me. I quickly ran in, soon being told that he couldn't find his slippers. I pulled open his top draw and there they were. I pulled them out and held them in front of him with a raised eyebrow. He just grinned cheekily and grabbed them from me.

Bronx sprinted ahead down the stairs and Pete and I followed slowly. I threw my hair up into a bun whilst Pete switched off the alarm. I couldn't help but let the magic of Christmas excitement fill my blood as I watched Bronx bounce from foot to foot, itching for Pete to open the doors to the lounge.

"Come on then Bronx, go on inside," Pete grinned as he watched his son burst through the doors and scream with excitement. He hurried his head deep into the dark red sack full to the brim of packages just for him. His smile was wider than I'd ever seen it and it turns out his smile was contagious.

"The new Avengers movie! This is awesome!" Bronx grinned as he tore off more and more sheets of sparkling wrapping paper. He continued to shout out about his happiness of each of his presents.

"Hey," Pete whispered in my ear, "I got you a little something," He handed me a small box wrapped in pink wrapping paper with white glittering snowflakes. I looked at him questioningly and gently unwrapped the gift.

A tiny box was underneath the paper. I let my fingers mindlessly flip open the top and I saw a beautiful ring. I looked up into Pete's longing eyes as his smile grew wider.

"I knew you left your ring at Patrick's house and you didn't want to go back and get it so I got you a new one, do you like it?" he raised his eyebrow and bit the inside of his lower lip in hope.

"I love it, thank you so much," I quickly wrapped my arms around Pete and hugged him tight, "I heard what you said last night and I-".

The doorbell rang and a rapid thumping on the door was heard. I stopped talking and Pete looked at me apologetically as he jumped to his feet to answer the door. I slid down onto the carpet to spend some time with Bronx and his gifts.

"Ell, come quick! And get Bronx!"

Bronx and I looked at each other in panic. I grabbed his hand and we both ran through into the hallway. Stood in the frame of the door was the last person I thought I would see there.

"I know this isn't the time but Gabrielle's about to have the baby and the car ran out of gas and she's in a lot of pain please can you drive us to the hospital?" Patrick was stood panting in the doorway, beads of sweat dripping off his forehead. I could hear Gabrielle's screams from the car and no matter how much I resented Patrick right now, I knew what being a woman was about.

"Get Gabrielle into Pete's car now," I tossed Patrick the keys and Pete ran to help them.

"Okay Bronx, Uncle Patrick's girlfriend is going to have her baby and we need to be there to help alright? I promise that we'll carry on Christmas when we get home okay? I need you to be a really big boy and co-operate right now, yeah?" Bronx nodded nervously. I hugged him quickly and we got our shoes on and headed out to the car.


"Bronx, Bronx wake up," I gently shook Bronx's arm in attempt to wake him. It was 3PM and the midwife just told Pete and I that Gabrielle had given birth. We broke out into smiles and quickly rose to our feet. I carried a sleepy Bronx on my hip and followed the nurse into the room.

Gabrielle was drinking a coffee, looking half asleep, and Patrick was gently rocking the baby in his arms. We quietly entered the room and both turned to look at us. The nurse left the room and I went over to comfort Gabrielle. I fetched her more drinks and a couple more painkillers to help her feel calmer. She seemed very anxious but happy at the same time. She apologised for cutting our Christmas short but I told her not to worry. We spoke for a while longer until Bronx fell asleep on the foot of Gabrielle's bed.

"Hey Ell, can we talk?" Patrick cleared his throat, handing his baby over to the safe arms of Pete.

"Y-yeah," I said, following him out of the room. I passed Pete, who gave me a reassuring nod as I walked out. I took a quick glance at baby Stump, he looked so much like Patrick is was amazing.

Patrick and I took a seat in the waiting area outside. It was awkward at first, and neither of us spoke for a while. I still felt on edge being in his company alone.

"I'm sorry for ruining your Christmas," he spoke quietly, staring at his feet.

"Don't be stupid," I shook my head.

"Thank you, for coming. I noticed Bronx has taken a real liking to you,"

"Yeah," I smiled, "He's such a great kid. What have you named your son? He looks so much like you, it's uncanny,"

Patrick chuckled lightly and looked at me, "We picked the name Declan,"

"That's a gorgeous name, I really like it," I smiled at Patrick.

A silence followed. It was long and awkward, filling a giant slot of time that would otherwise be filled with fake conversation that meant anything but.

"Listen, I'm sorry, alright? I screwed up bad and I miss you being at home. I know you're not coming back and that you're happy at Pete's house. I didn't expect anything else. I just don't know when I'm going to see you again to say that I regret being a jerk and that I admit I ruined our relationship and I let you down. I really am, very sorry, Ellianah,"

I inhaled deeply and chewed on the inside of my lip. My heart started beating faster because I knew that Patrick was waiting for me to say something. My clouded mind was rapidly working to try and rack up some kind of a response to him. I felt like I'd given up when Patrick rose to his feet.

"Wait!" I called out. Patrick turned on his heels to face me. His eyes were growing red and watery. I wasted no time in running to him and hugging him tight. I felt a breath be released from Patrick as he buried his head into my shoulder. I let a few tears slip and he kept hugging me tighter and tighter. I felt like a part of me had been restored just by speaking with Patrick again. I'd missed his honesty and I'd continue to miss the warmth of his arms around me in moments like this.

"It's okay, you don't know how long I've wanted to see you and talk to you again," I mumbled.

"I really am sorry, I just want us to be on good terms, you know?" He held me at shoulders length and gave me a sad smile.

"I know, me too,".

We hugged again for a long time. Everything seemed to move much slower as I squeezed my eyes gut tightly. I had never felt more loved than I had right now. Nobody had ever confessed there mistakes to my face and apologised for their wrongs and cried whilst doing so. I couldn't stay mad at Patrick and if there was ever a day to overcome bad blood with someone, there was no better day than today.

"Merry Christmas Patrick,".

"Merry Christmas Ell,".

an;;;;; HI!!!!

This was so bloody long but I did this bc I haven't updated in ages and I don't think I will be for like another few days since its Xmas??? and also today is my birthday (yay)

thanks to everyone that reads this book, you're all the best people ever and you've made my year with all the comments you've given me, thank you!



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