thirty seven / home isn't where the heart is

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I went to sleep that night with a very guilty conscience. I didn’t tell Patrick about Pete and I. I instead told him that Pete was sick but didn’t want to admit it. They laughed it off and continued like it was nothing. I got so caught up in my thoughts with Pete that when I lay in bed at 1 AM the following morning, I forgot that it was my birthday. My 18th birthday.

I’d always dreamed of having an amazing 18th birthday party in my backyard with all my friends and family with music and dancing and cake, but it’s never going to happen. It’s all over for me. Sure, I’ll have an amazing birthday, spending it with the people who are most important to me, but not my family. Not this year. Not any year from now until I die.

I woke up again at 8 AM. We were catching the flight back home at 6PM that evening and Patrick had the whole day planned as the ultimate shopping trip for me. We were heading into town and having a meal before taxying to the airport at 3 ish. I got ready, packed my case and dressed in some spare clothes. I left my case by the door, grabbed my jacket and bag and headed down for breakfast.

Pete was with us this morning. He didn’t look so good but he made the effort to smile and hug me as the all said happy birthday. I thanked them and tucked into a stack of delicious looking pancakes and maple syrup. The boys finished way before I did and they looked like they were itching to get out and do some shopping before we left for home.

We took an early stroll into town and browsed in a whole lot of shops. Patrick bought me various pairs of skinny jeans and checked shirts, whilst Andy insisted on buying me two gorgeous bikinis from Victoria’s Secret. Joe bought me a dress and blazer and Pete very kindly bought me a pair of killer Kurt Geiger heels. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Then I realised that I was with Fall Out Boy. One of the biggest bands in the world. The boys had been recognised a lot and had taken a ton of photos, but I didn’t mind one bit. I would be doing the same if I was a fan so it doesn’t get to me at all.

We finished a quick Nando’s and grabbed our bags from the hotel before arriving at the airport just in time to check in for our flight. We sped through security and I had just enough time to grab a bottle of UK only perfume from Calvin Klein in the duty-free before our flight was being called and we were sat down in our seats and buckled in for a 10 hour flight back to the states.

I slept most of the journey, being tired from lying awake from 1 am to 4 in the morning. I was sat next to Andy and I was egging him on to spill about his date. He told me him and Kayla had a really great time and that she was visiting America soon. She was British but lived in America for most of the time. She has family in England so that’s why she was over there. Andy explained that she worked at Manchester United before she moved to the US so whenever she’s in England, they’ll give her the job as tour guide while she’s there. Andy smiles so much when he was talking about her. He already know everything about her, she’s a vegan too, which makes Andy even more happy. If you ask me, the guys in love already.

Once back at the airport, we claimed our luggage and hailed a huge cab for us all and our bags. We had to be quick getting back. I was getting dropped off straight at Brendon’s and then the boys were heading back home to get their new luggage and then at 4AM, getting on a flight to New York for the first show in two days. It was all very hectic, but we somehow managed to make it work.

All four boys walked me to Brendon’s front door. Sarah was the only one in but none of us questioned it. My clothes were already here since she’d been round to get all my stuff which was nice of her.

I hugged all the boys tightly, thanking them again for such an amazing trip and birthday. Patrick didn’t want to let go. He kept saying he was scared. He didn’t think I’d survive with Brendon for a whole month. I laughed and told him it would be okay. When Pete said goodbye, I didn’t like it. It felt different to all the others, even though their goodbyes were just as hard. I wanted to cry into Pete’s shoulder. With his arms wrapped tightly around me, I felt like I shouldn’t have ended things so badly with him. I did feel like I loved him, but it was a crazy thing to feel. He quickly let go and before I knew it they were gone.

Sarah dragged me into the house and showed me to my room. We ate some dinner and relaxed, watching some movies. It then occurred to me that I hadn’t called Spencer.

‘’Hey I might call Spencer. Are him and Brendon at practice? Is that why he isn’t home?’’ I asked, spinning my mobile phone between my fingers.

Sarah looked at me nervously. She didn’t look happy, she looked scared.

‘’Uhm, I didn’t want to tell you this now, I was going to wait until morning but um,’’ She scratched the side of her head, stalling as she sighed, ‘’Spencer’s in rehab, Ell,’’.

AN sorry again for a really big delay in updates. This one was extra long for you guys for being so nice aND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 18.6K READS I'M FREAKING OUT THAT'S SO MANY!!11!!!1

But srsly, please give me your thoughts on this chapter as this is the beginning of a new story line which will possibly start to break off into a different direction for the story:)

-twentyonediscos xo

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