ten / new friends

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The bell sounded for lunch and I felt half relieved and half terrified. It was my first day at this new school and I had no friends, apart from Lewis, who I guess was a friend? He said he’d see me around, right?

I stuffed my new books into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Most of the kids had already left, but just as I was beginning to exit the room, the teacher called my name. I turned around to face him. He smiled at me and beckoned me back over.

Mr Peters was my English teacher. I guessed he was around 50 years old, he had greyish hair and glasses, and wore a checked shirt. He was a really good teacher and by far my favourite of the day so far.

‘’Miss Sullivan, I’ve noticed that you’ve taken a shine to English, am I right?’’

I shrugged at him. I didn’t know what he had planned, but I didn’t want to give anything away. The truth was, I loved English. It was my favourite subject and I wanted to become a writer or a journalist. But if he’d have already picked that up, then lying to him was no use.

‘’Yeah, it’s my favourite subject,’’ I gave him a small smile and rested my hand on the strap of my bag.

‘’I read some of your work, your creative stuff is really great. Have you ever thought about trying to pursue a career in writing?’’

‘’To be honest, all I want to be is a writer.’’

‘’Well there’s a club at lunch on a Thursday in my room. There’s about five or six kids that come along, all of them want to become writers, and they’re pretty damn good at it too. They give each other ideas and evaluate one another’s work, you should come along,’’ Mr Peters gave me a big friendly smile and handed me a sticky note with all the details on.

‘’Thanks, Mr Peters. I think I’ll come along,’’

‘’I’m glad to hear that. See you next class!’’

I smiled and waved to him as I closed the classroom door. The corridor was deserted and I had to try and make my way back upstairs to find the canteen. I pushed open a door and I found myself back in main reception. I walked up a flight of stairs with kids sitting under them eating their lunch, unhygienic. I followed the sound of clattering cutlery and loud voices and eventually made it to the canteen. I pushed myself through the groups of people and joined the back of the queue.

I had persuaded Patrick to let me at least try the canteen food. I knew how bad it could be, from past experience, but he eventually warmed up to the idea, with a deal that I’d help him make dinner for the boys when they came round tonight.

I grabbed my tray with my pasta and water bottle on it and walked out. I internally kicked myself as I realised that I had nowhere to sit. I sighed and walked into a back room with a few larger table and some side ones. I began to walk over to a side table with a view from the window when someone shouted my name.

‘’Hey Ellianah, come eat with us!’’ I saw Lewis stood up, beckoning me over. I smiled as all his friends turned to stare at me. I took a seat next to Lewis and another girl, she was very pretty. I was sure that I didn’t fit in here, but I needed friends and this was the only way to get them.

‘’Guys, this is Ellianah. She just moved here,’’ Lewis introduced me and I got a chorus of ‘hellos’ from everyone at the table. I tucked into my pasta when I got a tap on the shoulder from the girl next to me. I looked at her and noticed that she had a Fall Out Boy shirt on.

‘’Hey, I’m Jane. I know this might be a little weird, but aren’t you Patrick Stump’s adopted daughter?’’

I gulped and bit the inside of my lip. Nobody else had caught ear of our conversation, and I was glad. I didn’t want anybody to know so I didn’t get attention drawn to myself, that was what my brother had told me before he passed.

‘’Uh, yeah. Could you keep it a secret? I don’t really want people to know,’’ I blushed and she smiled, miming zipping her lips.

‘’It’s cool, I promise.’’


The day ended and as the bell rang, I ran into Lewis in the corridor. I had spent lunch with him and his friends and they were all pretty nice. There were a couple of girls that I wasn’t particularly fond of, but who was I to complain.

‘’Hey Ellianah, where do you live?’’

‘’I, uh, Orchard Lane, you?’’ I told him the name of our road, but not which house.

‘’I live near there, the street after. Can I walk with you?’’

‘’Sure,’’ He smiled and we walked out of school. I’d texted Patrick that I was walking home with a friend and he said that it was fine.

‘’So, how’d you like lunch today?’’ Lewis smiled at me, stuffing his hands in his pockets as we walked.

‘’It was nice. Thanks for letting me eat with you,’’ I smiled back.

‘’Letting you? C’mon, you can eat with us every day from now on! We’re your friends!’’ He grinned.

‘’Thanks, that’s real nice,’’.

We made small talk as we walked up the hill. Lewis was a really nice guy. He was telling me about each of his friends and their personalities. He told me that Jane was into all the same bands as me, which was cool, I think she was my favourite from the group. Once we reached my road, Lewis gave me a quick hug and I waved as he continued down the path. I turned down the street and walked to the house.

‘’I’m home!’’

‘’Hey Ell!’’ I heard Patrick call through from the lounge. I followed the sound of laughter and threw myself down onto the beanbag in the corner. The guys began bombarding me with questions and I answered them one at a time.

‘’Who did you walk home with?’’ Andy asked finally.

‘’Just a friend, his name’s Lewis,’’ I shrugged and unwrapped a Mars bar that Joe threw at me.


‘’Lewis Illingworth,’’

‘’Lewis Illingworth? God dammit not again.’’

*a/n this chapter was really long for me sorry:3 

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