forty two / i miss you

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"So what are you working on right now? Anything interesting?" I asked Ryan, taking a bite out of my burger.

After bowling, which I had won, Ryan suggested this cool burger joint not far away. It was your standard American diner place, but the food was to die for.

"A couple songs. I don't really know what I'm doing to be honest," he chuckled, "I want to get back into music, of course, but I haven't made much of a start yet,"

"So no album any time soon?" I joked, earning a smile from Ryan.

"Nope, unfortunately not. Hey, you could come back to mine for a whole and I could show you the songs I've wrote?"

I glanced at my watch, cautious of the time, "Well, I should be back by 10 really but..." Ryan raised his eyebrow and sunk his teeth into his bottom lip. It was that act that pushed me over the edge, "I'm sure Brendon won't mind,".

"There you go!" Ryan grinned, clapping his hands together. We quickly finished our meal and Ryan paid. I thanked him and soon enough we were pulling up outside Ryan's apartment.

We took the lift up to his floor. Ryan placed his hand on the small of my back as we walked towards his door. He unlocked it and flicked on the lights as we walked inside. I kicked off my boots and took a seat on his moderne leather sofa.

"Wow, your apartment is so cool," I said, my eyes wandering over the modern pop art features that lines the black and white striped walls.

"Thanks," he said, handing me a glass of red wine and setting the bottle down on the table. I felt at home.


2 hours later and it was 11 PM. I had a text from Brendon saying that I needed to be home for midnight at the latest. Since Ryan had drunk, he called me a cab to take me back to me temporary home.

"Thanks for tonight Ryan, I had a really fun time," I smiled as he handed me my jacket.

"Me too, even though I let you win at bowling," he smirked.

I scoffed, "You wish!"

The taxi called and Ryan walked me downstairs. It was getting cold and the temperature was dropping fast. Ryan was shivering and the taxi driver was getting impatient over our long conversation.

"Well you're freezing and he's going to drive off any second so, goodnight Ryan," I hugged Ryan and placed a kiss on his cheek. I didn't want to leave him, but I would see him soon. Just as I was getting into the cab, I had an idea.

"Hey Ryan, how would you like to come to the Fall Out Boy show tomorrow?"

"Really?" He questioned, leaning his head through the window of the taxi.

"Yeah! They won't mind!" I grinned.

"Then of course! And I get to spend more time with you," he smirked. I couldn't take it anymore. The moment overtook my brain and I kissed Ryan. It was only a short kiss, maybe even just a peck, but it still counted, I think.

Ryan watched me drive away, a smile on both of our faces. I paid the cab driver and quietly unlocked the front door. The house was eerily silent and I used the torch light from my phone to guide me upstairs. I noticed the empty pizza box on the coffee table and laughed to myself, knowing the Sarah's cooking attempts went down the drain.

I slid into bed and checked me phone. A message that made my heart flutter appeared on the screen. It said how he missed me. But it wasn't Ryan.

'Pete Wentz:

I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you.'


okay so I am SO SO SO SO unhappy with this chapter and idk I might delete it I hate it so much. I feel like its so crappy and short but I'm writing on my phone and as you know I hate doing this but it's been like 1836193 days since I updated so.....yeah.

Sorry, I hope it wasn't TOOOOO bad:)


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