forty three / pancakes

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I woke up early the next morning, no thanks to Brendon crashing around with pots in the kitchen. I glanced at my clock and realised that I had just over an hour to be ready, and I hadn't even text Ryan yet. I checked with Brendon and he said it was okay, plus, I wasn't too sure on how it was going to be with myself and Patrick, so having Ryan by my side would be a bonus.

I quickly text Ryan the details, telling him to be at the house within an hour. He replied with an okay and I quickly headed into the shower. I dried and straightened my hair, dressed in my black skinnys and red shirt. Grabbing my boots and phone, I walked downstairs to greet Brendon and Sarah, grabbing the pizza box off the coffee table on my way.

"I see the cooking went down well," I said, throwing the box into the recycling.

Sarah laughed, "Good morning to you too! But no, it tasted awful,"

"Aw don't worry," I placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'll teach you soon,".

I gathered up some eggs and flour from the cupboards and threw them into a bowl. Pouring the mixture the frying pan, Brendon and Ryan entered the kitchen. Brendon stuck his finger into the mix and licked it, I laughed, slapping away his hand.

"Ew! We've all go to eat your Brendon germs now!" I pouted, flipping the current pancake.

"Actually, when you cook the batter, the germs die because of the heat," I turned around the see Ryan smirking.

Shaking my head, I spoke, "So you think you know more about cooking than me?" I raised an eyebrow

"Sarah get in here! Shits going down!" Brendon shouted out, earning a glare from Ryan.

"I didn't say that," Ryan just grinned and grabbed the pan from my hands and began flipping the pancake, "Now you guys go sit down and I'll make the breakfast,"

I shrugged and followed Brendon into the lounge. I checked my phone, realising that I never replied to Pete's text. And then I remembered why. I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. I mean how do you reply to something like that? An 'I miss you so much' isn't something you say in a general way, not after what happened. And after thinking about it, maybe not replying has made things worse, especially with Ryan being there today.

"Pancakes made by chef Ross," Ryan whipped a plate of pancakes stacked with syrup in front of me.

"These smell amazing, Ryan. You'll have to cook more often," I smiled and he winked at me, presenting two more plates for Brendon and Sarah before sitting down next to me and tucking into his own stack.

We quickly finished our breakfast and started gathering out things together. It wouldn't take long to get to the venue, but of course we needed to be there quite a while before the show starts. I began to collect a few things to put in my bag, purse, sunglasses, female supplies and all that. Halfway through packing, I got a text from Andy.

'What time will you arrive? I need a hug loser'

I smiled and started typing out a reply, only to stop and delete the whole text. If I replied to Andy and Pete found out knowing that I never replied to him, things could get awkward. I sighed and put my phone into my pocket, throwing the last few things into my bag. Ryan opened my door, startling me. He came in laughing.

"It's not funny," I tried my best not to laugh, hitting him with my bag.

"I'm sorry, Jesus what's in there!" He said, rubbing his arm.

I narrowed my eyes and stood on my tiptoes so I could be directly in line with his eyes, "Everything," I whispered.

Ryan sunk his teeth into his lip, diverting his eyes down towards my slightly parted lips. He slowly leant forward and I waited for the feeling of him, but it didn't happen. Brendon barged into the room and started talking.

"Guys we gotta- oh," I blushed and watched as he began to smirk, "Sorry to interrupt, but we gotta go,"

I picked up my bag and pushed my way past Brendon. I heard a 'damn' escape from Ryan as I quickly walked down the corridor. I could feel him watching me, heck, I could feel both of their eyes on me. I smirked to myself and continued down the staircase.

"I heard that!"


okay first off sorry for not updating in like 16937374 years and secondly THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 40k READS LIKE THATS SO FUCKING MANY AND IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME LIKE THANK YOU SO MUCH SERIOUSLYYYY

okay and finally Im not really a fan of the cover for this story and I'm awful at making them so if anybody fancies making me one????? Inbox me and I'll give you my email, thank you!!!!


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