fifty-five [blood]

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"A movie?"

"Too quiet."

"You're so picky!" Pete laughed.

I shrugged and continued to watch Pretty Little Liars whilst Pete reeled off suggestions about what to occupy the day with. Today was one of his two weekdays off from the studio and Bronx was at school which left us with nothing but boredom. It was December 20th now and it was actually Bronx's final day of the year at school. Tomorrow we were all going ice skating at the park nearby since it freezes over this time of year.

"Shopping, come on. We need to buy gifts anyway!"

I turned to Pete with a grin on his face. He rolled his eyes in satisfaction that one of his ideas had finally met my standards of how to spend a day. I went to grab some boots and a scarf. I chose a pale cream coloured Mac and a red and grey checkered scarf. My boots were black ankle boots which the hem of my skinny jeans covered.

I eventually came back downstairs with my handbag clutched tightly in my palms. Pete was sat on the edge of the sofa in a long, black wool overcoat, underneath was his grey Christmas jumper. I chuckled to myself.

"Ready to go?" I smiled.

"Yeah, after you took twelve years to find a stupid coat," He smirked, sliding his phone into the inside pocket of his jacket.

I gasped, my mouth hanging dramatically open, "How dare you! You bought me this coat, idiot," I smirked and shoved him in the side.

"Hey!" Pete shoved me back as we made our way towards the front door. We continued to bop each other's hips which was all fun an games until we reached the door frame. I must have pushed myself too hard since Pete's face ended up on the edge of the door frame.

"Ow!" He howled, hissing as he rubbed his forehead. He was facing the other was but I immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over me as he pulled his fingers away from his head and stared at the blood.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry Pete," I shouted, running back into the house to get some tissues. Pete hovered in the doorway with his head tilted backwards so no blood dripped down onto his jumper.

I quickly came back out of the kitchen with a giant wad of tissues in my hand. "Come here," I smiled at Pete and began to gently dab the cut to clean it up first, "You can put your head down now," I chuckled. Pete smiled at me at I continued to clean his forehead. His hair wasn't styled today, he left it flat which covered his forehead. I used my free hand to hold back his fringe. His smile was so bright, I missed it. I looked down into his eyes and noticed that he was staring right into my own. I felt a sudden rush inside my veins that I'd only ever had when we were this close in proximity. I gulped and buy the inside of my lip. Pete's gaze was too strong for me to look away, but when he winked at me, I couldn't do anything but walk away.

"All done," I whispered, walking into the kitchen to dispose of the tissues.

I leant on the counter top with my head in my hands. Pete was so kind and caring and yet he could turn irresistible and mysterious in the blink of an eye. I felt some type of way around him, and I always had done. We both knew that there was still something between us, we just didn't say anything about it. Pete kept his mouth shut because he wanted me to be happy with Ryan but now that's over, he thinks it's okay. It's not okay. I've never been more distraught in my life over anything, Pete just didn't know that. I needed to tell him I was hung up on Ryan.

But maybe I wasn't hung up on Ryan, maybe I was hung up on Pete from all those months ago.


this isn't an example of it but I'm going to start making my chapters longer, is that okay?????? let me know pls

comment if you liked this chapter too bc it's getting emotional isn't it all confused feelings and shit



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