thirty two / flip off

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I eventually kicked Pete out of my room and leant a chair up against the door so he couldn’t get back in without knocking. This didn’t seem to be an issue for him, though. Every five seconds he would be knocking on the wall and trying to start conversation with me. I think he got the message when I stopped replying.

Half an hour later, the knocking had stopped and I was sat on my bed, staring out at the city. It was a lot different to the US, but it looked cool from above. I was dressed in white jeans and a black cropped top with some sandals and a pink kimono, my new fashion statement. I soon got a text from Patrick saying that I needed to hurry up and get downstairs because Joe was bugging them about being hungry.

I grabbed my purse and room key before closing the door and heading down to reception in the elevator. The doors opened and the first thing I saw was Pete running across the lobby being chased by a security guard. I looked to the left and saw Andy and Patrick freaking out while Joe was stood doubled over in tears of laughter.

I approached the three of them with a slight smirk on my face. Pete was being held by the collar by a buff, burly six foot something scary guy in all black with a baton in his belt.

‘’What the?’’ I shook my head, laughing.

‘’He tried to do a backflip off here, the security guy said no so Pete challenged him to a flip off and it didn’t go down to well,’’ Joe smirked.

‘’Jesus Christ,’’ I laughed, putting my head into my hands.

A few minutes later, Pete came back over to us, adjusting the collar of his shirt. We headed out of the hotel and into the town centre. Pete and I walked together at the back. I kept cracking jokes about his ‘flip off’ and then he challenged me to one. Being myself, I pulled Pete into an alleyway. I stood and smirking. He opened his mouth to speak but I think I stopped him with doing a backflip.

‘’What the heck?’’ He stood, his mouth still open.

‘’Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies,’’ I gently lifted up his chin so his mouth clamped shut. I took his hand and we walked out to catch up with the others. Patrick turned round so I let go of Pete’s hand and punched him in the arm. He gave me a ‘what-the-hell’ look and I threw my eyes to Patrick. He caught on and punched me back.

Patrick called out to us to hurry up because Joe had found a restaurant. Pete and I eventually caught up, following them inside and sitting down at the table in the corner. It was a cute little Italian place and there was only a couple of other tables filled.

‘’So, uh, how can you just backflip from nothing?’’ Pete asked me. We had just ordered and the conversations had split up.

‘’I used to do gymnastics, I quit when I was 13 because it got boring,’’ I rolled my eyes, sipping my cocktail.

‘’You do gym?’’

‘’Did’’ I corrected him.

‘’So can you like front flip? And get your legs behind your head and crazy shit?’’ Pete’s eyes lit up. I giggled at his excitement, nodding my head, ‘’Really? You gotta teach me!’’

‘’Teach him what?’’ Joe asked as the food arrived.

‘’How to put his legs behind his head,’’ I smirked as the waiter gave us an odd look before quickly walking away. I laughed and pulled off a piece of pizza that Patrick and I were sharing.

‘’Freaks,’’ Andy mumbled, shaking his head.

‘’There’s worse things to be called, right?’’ Pete slapped Andy’s cheek from across the table. Andy slapped back and I slapped both of them so they’d stop.

‘’I can think of-‘’ Joe started, but stopped when his phone rang. Again, the screen had the power to make him smile.

‘’Lucy-Jade?’’ I asked. Joe just winked at me as he left the table.

 All most all at once, we all took it upon ourselves to each grab a piece of his pizza.  I had to admit, it looked way nicer than all of ours, but I think Pete went a little too far when he totally switched theirs around.

‘’Like he won’t notice,’’ I narrowed my eyes at Pete.

‘’Shut it, or I’ll make you eat this avocado,’’ Pete shoved half an avocado in my face. I pulled a repulsed expression and pushed his hand away.

‘’You wouldn’t,’’ I glared.

Pete smirked, resting his hand on my knee under the table, ‘’Oh, but I would!’’.

AN this chapter is kind of longer than usual oooo, welcome;)

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