twenty four / a phone call

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More and more days passed by. The Panic! boys had left since they had their own business to attend to. I did enjoy their company, second-handedly of course, they didn’t know that. I started to miss them a lot after they’d gone. They’d often stay with me when the other boys went out to do some rehearsing or something. They’d talk to me as if I was actually there and listening, which made me feel really nice inside. I was glad that they hadn’t given up on me either.

Soon, it came to the time when Fall Out Boy had to get back to themselves too. I was trying as hard as I could to wake myself up, but I just couldn’t do it. One by one, they all left. Joe, then Andy, then Pete. I heard Patrick say that he would stay the night with me before they did a show in the neighbouring state. It worried me, I was scared that they’d forget about me, but I knew that wouldn’t happen, I hoped anyway.

Patrick did stay the night and he hardly ever left my side. He would talk to me, and sing to me. His voice gave me a sort of feeling that I could only get when it was just us two alone. It gave me the feeling that it was going to happen soon, and it did.

I saw everything. Everything that I ever wanted to see. I saw white bed sheets, white washed walls, my hands, fingers, legs, they were all there. I looked out of the window from my bed and saw the street. I saw houses, cars, people, life. I was alive. I hadn’t slipped away, I was here. But Patrick wasn’t. Patrick and the band had left for the show. They left last night and would be on stage right now. It broke my heart knowing that they wouldn’t be here when I woke up, but it would be such a surprise for them when they returned.

‘’Oh my gosh!’’ The nurse covered her mouth with her hand when she entered the room. I just gave her a small smile and she rushed over to my side.

‘’How are you feeling dear? I need to contact Mr Stump!’’

‘’No!’’ I cut her off, she just stared at me, ‘’I’m fine, thank you. Could you wait for them to come visit me? I thought it would be a nice surprise…’’

The nurse pursed her lips, ‘’It’s against regulations I’m afraid…’’

‘’Please?’’ I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, for a 17 year old.

She sighed, shaking her head and went to grab a phone from reception. When she re-entered the room, she was already on the phone. I began to get nervous and that same feeling returned to my stomach as from when Patrick sung to me alone. I could hear Patrick’s panicking voice on the other side of the line, the nurse momentarily signed off and thrust the phone at me. I took it in my hands and held it to my ear.

‘’Hello? Is anyone there?’’

I drew in a deep breath as I heard Patrick talk.

‘’Hi, Patrick,’’

‘’What is i-? Wait, Ellianah is-‘’

I started to laugh, I couldn’t help it. I was so happy to hear his voice when I was actually alive, ‘’Yes Patrick, it’s me,’’

‘’Oh my god! Guys! Guys!’’ There was a load of hustle and bustle in the background, making the phone crackle loudly in my ear. It was all worth it, however, when I heard Andy’s voice on the line.


‘’Hi Andy,’’ I giggled, tears brimming at my eyes, ‘’I’ve missed you so much,’’

‘’I’ve missed you too, we gotta go now, stage is calling. We’ll ring you back after. I love yo-‘’

I heard a loud laugh and the faint chant of ‘Fall Out Boy’ before the line went dead. I handed the phone back to the nurse, knowing that my boys would now be putting on the best show that they’ve ever done in their whole lives. I just wished that I could be there to see it, and them.

*a/n yay she's awake and not dead. i'm continuing with the Pete/Ellianah saga for the next couple of chapters, i hope thats okay:)

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