twenty six / pete

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I was officially allowed to leave that day. It felt weird, walking and talking, but I was thankful.
Patrick helped me gather up some things from home, like pillows and pyjamas, and then we left. Joe and Andy were already at home with the Panic! boys, but nobody knew where Pete was.

After Patrick signed me out, me jumped in the car and hit the gas, driving homeward bound. Patrick was telling me some stuff about the show and how my call was so influential to them all. It made me feel happy, so I told him about his voice. He didn't seem to believe me, so I began to tell him about me hearing everything that they were all saying, and that I did in fact squeeze his hand.
"I knew it!"

The second I pulled the key out of the lock, I was bombarded with hugs and kisses. I laughed, hugging all four panic! guys. Spencer dragged me into the lounge and we sat down.
"Don't ever scare me like that again," he whispered, hugging me tight. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek. Spencer and I had this bond that wasn't brotherly/sisterly, it was more a best friend kind of love, and I was thankful because Spencer was amazing.
We all sat down and spoke for a while, they all told me that on the first day I was in the hospital, they all sat and watched a bunch of my favourite movies. I guess that was before I was mentally awake.
"Can I go for a walk?" I asked.
"Sure, you want me to come?" Patrick asked.
"Uh, no thanks. I won't be gone long, I have my phone," I smiled and hugged him before heading out of the front door and taking a left.
I followed the road, continuing down. I'd never been past Patrick's house, so this area was all new to me. I obliged my gut instinct and carried on walking. I began to hear a rush of water from not far away. It sounded relaxing so I knew I was on to a winner.
Following the sound, I eventually came to a lone bridge over a rushing river below. There was a guy at the other side of the bridge. He didn't look at me when I sat down, he just kept his head in his hands and stared at the water underneath him.
I sat on the ground, sliding my legs through the gaps, dangling them above the water and resting my body on the safety bars.
I jumped, quickly sliding my legs out and scrambling to my feet. The guy was Pete. He was so far away that I couldn't even recognise him, but now he was meters away from me. I slowly began to back away, but he continued to stare at me with tearful eyes.
"I'm so sorry," he said quietly, linking his fingers together behind his neck.
I walked away, still facing him.
"Please don't go, I don't want you to be scared of me," Pete reached out with one hand. I stood dead still, staring at his hand. My mind was freaking out right now, but my heart was telling me that this was what I was hoping for. I reached out, slowly placing my hand in his own. He stepped closer to me and I took breaths to keep me calm. I found myself squeezing his hand. He smiled at me when he came close, taking my other hand in his.
"I'm sorry, I hate myself right now,"
"D-don't hate yourself, Pete,"
"I almost killed you," Pete looked at his shoes.
"It wasn't your fault..."
At that point, my heart overruled my brain. And it was the best thing that ever happened. Pete kissed me again. I smiled this time, neither one of us pulling out of choice. He kissed my forehead and I rested my hands around his neck. We both stood in silence, listening to the flow of water below us. I only dreaded what Pete might have done if I hadn't shown up.


So in my last a/n I asked if anybody liked football/soccer and a lot of you answered yes which is AWESOME. I've written a few football based fics, I don't know if you of you care but I'd love it if you could read them!

There's 'I Only Care About You' which is a Cristiano Ronaldo/Michael Carrick fic, and then 'Secrets' which is a David De Gea fanfiction. I'd love it a whole lot if you guys could read them and tell me what you thought!


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