fifty-four [suprises]

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As soon as I set foot in the house, Pete came running into the hallway with a huge grin on his face. Bronx squeezed past me and jumped up into Pete's arms. I smiled to myself and slipped off my shoes. I dumped mine and Bronx's bags on the floor and hug our coats up on the rack.

"Come on!" It was amazing how eager Pete was to show us his surprise. Bronx and I had been guessing what it might be on the walk home. Bronx wasn't very open minded, his only guess was that Pete had bought him Captain America.

"Hurry up Ell," Bronx took my hand and excitedly pulled me after Pete. We followed him through into the lounge. He stopped at the door with a huge grin on his face. His hands her behind his back, clasped tightly around the doorknob. Even I was getting excited now.

"Come on Dad let us in!" Bronx pushed his was past his Dad and pulled down on the door handle, running into the lounge. "Oh my God, it says all our names and everything!"

I looked at Pete with a confused but happy expression on my face, he was still grinning. He stepped aside and I walked into the lounge. The first thing I saw was the tree. It was beautiful. A huge real green tree in the corner was covered in white glittery tinsel. The lights were a bright, fluorescent white and the baubles where all white, silver and gold with glitter patterns on them. There were plaque decorations hung on the tree also, with all three of our names engraved on them. I smiled widely and turned around.

Bronx was sat on the rug, staring at the train set. It was a classical Christmas village scene with fake snow in the tiny world with a miniature steam engine puffing out smoke which was cleverly recycled to power the re-fall of the snowflakes under the glass coverage. There were countless decorations around the room, all following the same white and silver colour scheme. I could see a green and red theme running in the kitchen with mistletoe hung above the island. The sofas were re-decorated with Christmas cushions and a hand knitted blanket was draped over them. The fireplace was covered in fairy lights and stockings which also had our name sewn on them. Pete had really outdone himself.

"You like it?" Pete smiled at Bronx and I, Bronx was still engrossed in the train set.

"You did this, all by yourself?" I said, grinning. Pete nodded, "I love it, all of it!" I hugged Pete tightly. He hugged back and something flicked a switch inside of me. It was like a huge warning sign, but all I could do was ignore it. I kissed his cheek anyway and said thank you.

"Woah guys look!" Bronx had lost his head inside a box of DVDs. We settled on Santa Clause 3 and snuggled under the blanket as a family.


After Bronx had gone to bed, Pete and I were watching Home Alone and eating cheesecake. The lights were out but the fairy lights were on and they reflected pretty patterns on the walls around the room.

"So, where did you go today, did you meet up with Ryan?" I had told Pete about Ryan and I's relationship. Andy knew, but I hadn't seen Joe to tell him and I sure as hell wasn't telling Patrick. Panic! At The Disco were on tour and Spencer was now out of rehab. He was living with family so he wasn't in state which meant I couldn't see him. Pete wasn't happy when I told him I was with Ryan. He told me we were too different and that it wouldn't work out. I guess he was right. I hardly ever told Pete anything about my relationship so he had no idea that we were having problems.

"Yeah, we broke up," I said quietly. It hurt me inside because all I can remember when I talk about him is how our bond was at the start of the relationship, and it makes me regret throwing it away, even though it was the right thing to do.

"What? Why?" Pete said, turning to face me. He had his legs crossed and I mirrored him, the blanket draping over our knees. I sighed and placed my hands in my lap, "Have I missed something?"

I shook my head, feeling guilty all of a sudden, "I never really told you about, our relationship I guess," I paused and looked down. Pete had muted the television which made the whole thing that much more daunting. "Ryan and I just...aren't a match. We don't talk about anything anymore, because there isn't anything to talk about," I kept my head down, my mind throwing in memories of Ryan and our silences.

"Then...why'd you stay together?" Pete asked, "I mean, there must have been something there, or you wouldn't have been together for so long. People on the internet even gave you the ship name Rellianah," we both chuckled together, but my eyes were getting teary.

"Well, sex, basically. That's it," I sniffed and twisted my hands together.

"Hey, don't cry about it," Pete shuffled over and cuddled me into him. I started crying, choking out more and more about my relationship with Ryan. Pete was very supportive, he told me that I did the right thing and that it would have come to an end sooner or later anyway. He comforted me through the night and into early morning. He listened to me complaining and we ended up talking about things that were so off topic that we both got emotional for no particular reason. It was only when I told Pete I hadn't had a proper Christmas in 7 years that tears fell from his eyes properly. We decided to sleep on the sofa that night, and the last thing Pete said to be before we fell asleep was ,"I promise to make this the best Christmas you'll ever have,".


rellianah though I'm laughing that's such an awful ship name what even.

but yeah that's the chapter so let me know what you thought of it and how I could improve. ALSO ALSO ALSO YES:::

I want you to comment what YOU want to happen next in this story, it can involve any character so far and I'd love to hear your ideas! Please comment!


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