eight / lucky strike

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‘’Ha! That’s my fourth strike in a row, you owe me ten bucks!’’ Pete smirked at Dallon, who cursed under his breath, smacking his knee in frustration.

I was on a team with Pete, Andy, Spencer and Brendon. Which left Dallon, Patrick, Ken, Joe and Sarah on the other team. It was my turn next, and I hadn’t been bowling in years but all I remember, is that I used to be good, really good. Ken took his turn, bowling a spare. He smiled and sat down. My name flashed up on the screen, and I felt someone pushing me up onto my feet. Someone slapped me encouragingly on the back as I grabbed the lightest weight ball. I had a slow walk up to the line, swung my arm back and lunged forward, rolling the ball at a speed straight down the middle of the ally.

Blushing, I turned back around to see everyone clapping, and my team cheering for me. I laughed, considering I got a strike on my first turn, I wasn’t doing too bad. Bowling and soccer were the only things that I was good at. I’m not too bad at drawing either, but that’s for a rainy day.

‘’Fair enough, but she did use the lightest ball,’’ Dallon shook his head, smirking.

‘’Jump off it, Weekes. Ellianah’s better than you and you just don’t want to admit it!’’ Pete grinned and pulled me back over to the bench.

Dallon flipped him off and stood up to take his turn. He knocked over a few pins, but failed to get a spare, sitting back down quietly. Pete slung an arm around my shoulders and grinned at me, holding up a tray of nachos.

‘’If there’s one thing Brendon doesn’t get wrong, it’s good food, try em!’’ Pete held the tray and I picked a couple out, loaded with all the toppings, melted cheese, pepper, wasabi, beans, the lot. I took a big bite and my tongue exploded with flavour. It was literally heaven.

‘’Man these are good!’’ I took another couple, much to Pete’s amusement. We ended up eating the entire tray between us, leaving everyone else envying us, especially Brendon.

When we got back home, I was literally drained of all my energy. It was 10:30 P.M and I just wanted to go to bed, but you don’t always get that when you share a house that’s occupied by four loud men most of the time.

I changed into some sweats and an old shirt and lay down on the sofa in front of the TV. As I turned on Teen Wolf, Patrick walked in. He lifted my legs up, sat down, and then dropped my legs back onto his lap. At first, it felt really awkward for me. I’d never been this…casual with anybody for years. It was so new to me. After a while, I got used to it, and so did Patrick.

The other guys were sat on the other sofas and chairs around the fire, all staring up at the TV, half-heartedly watching re-runs of Teen Wolf. I didn’t even like the show, it was the first thing that came on, but being 17, I think the guys just wanted to make me happy.

‘’Can we change the channel? This show is awful…’’

The room let out a giant sigh and I chuckled. Pete turned on some soccer, much to my happiness, it was an English game, Arsenal vs Chelsea, a London derby, in a way. I watched, my eyes blued to the screen, as Torres scored in the first minute. Later to be equalised from Giroud. The game ended a 1-1 draw, and the boys were still wide awake.

‘’You really like soccer, don’t you?’’

I looked over to Andy and nodded.

‘’I love it. I support Manchester United, David Beckham is my hero,’’ I grinned.

‘’That’s cool, I’ve always wanted to visit…’’

‘’Old Trafford.’’

‘’That’s it,’’ Andy winked and the room fell silent once again. I felt my eyelids become heavy, and that’s when I knew that I’d had enough for one day.

I hauled my legs off Patrick’s lap and sat up from my slouched position and stretched out. I yawned as I pulled my arms above my head. Rubbing my eyes and accidentally smearing make-up under my eyes, I hugged Joe, almost collapsing on him from tiredness.

‘’Night kiddo,’’

I hugged Andy, who promised me that he’d take me to Manchester sometime soon, but we had to keep it a secret from Patrick. I promised that I wouldn’t tell and he grinned, saying goodnight. I hugged Patrick, who said he’d come and see me later, because he was still engrossed in what was now American Idol. Pete said he was hitting the sack too, so we both took off up the stairs.

I walked into my room and sat down on the bed, Pete followed and sat down next to me, sighing. I felt his gaze shift from around to room to me.

‘’Do you like it here?’’

‘’What?’’ I turned to look at Pete. He looked genuinely concerned for me.

‘’You know, do you like living here? Do you like Patrick, and the guys, and me? I know that moving into a new family and stuff can take a while to get used to, but we all want to make you happy,’’

I smiled at Pete, who’s expression turned from a worried one into a smile too. I tightly wrapped my arms around him, burying my head into his neck.

‘’I love it here. I love Patrick, and you and the guys. You’ve made me feel like I’m part of a family now and I’m so, so grateful,’’

‘’I’m glad. You start school tomorrow, you better get some sleep,’’

Pete patted the top of my head and kissed it. He turned on my lamp and turned off the main light, giving me a small wave as he closed my bedroom door.

*a/n so in the next chapter, more stuff will start to happen, so if you're getting bored DON'T LEAVE PLEASE BC ILY

thanks for reading!


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