eighteen / my date

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Since I'd already showered, I had been forced into letting one of the boys use my shower. We had three in the house. Mine, Patrick's and the spare bathroom. Pete was the first the shot-gun a bathroom, so I told him he could use mine. Andy volunteered to use the shower last, since he just throws on whatever he's closest to. Pete, however, takes about thirty minutes to just decide on what colour shirt to wear. Joe takes ages to dry his hair, and Patrick? Well Patrick just takes a long time. He was to work out which outfits go with which hat and which don't.
I decided to straighten my hair for tonight, instead of having my usual waves. My hair hardly even got heat used on it, so it takes quite a while. I heard the shower turn off and Pete singing to himself. I chuckled and turn on some Oasis so drown him out. Not that he was bad, I just felt like annoying him.
It worked.
''Hey!'' He stuck his head round the bathroom door, ''What's wrong with my singing?''
''Nothing,'' I shrugged, ''I'm a Noel Gallagher fanatic,'' I smirked and he glared, continuing to dry his hair.
Ten minutes later, Pete walked out into my bedroom. He plonked himself down on the bed and stared around.
''Can I help you, or?''
''What're you wearing tonight?''
''But we can't colour clash!''
''Then we'll just have to risk it. Now go!'' I pointed towards to door. Pete sighed and walked over to it, pulling a face at me before closing the door behind him.
I did my make-up next, grey, smokey eyes and light pink blush. I wandered over to my wardrobe, looking for something that accompanied with my make-up. I had an idea, but continued to flick through various outfit options. In the end, I opted for matte grey leather trousers and an arctic white cami. I also put on white heels I'd got as a present from the people back at the orphanage. I looked quite nice, if I said so myself.
I waited till all the boys had gone downstairs and there were no showers running, hair dryers working or wardrobe doors closing, only then did I add a few sprits of perfume and some jewellery.
''Ell! Are you-''
''Dude she's a girl! Don't rush her, she'll stab you!'' I laughed at Pete cutting Joe off.
I turned off my music and grabbed my phone and clutch bag. I had stuffed some travel perfume, lip stick and my phone inside. It was white and grey, like my outfit, I liked to be colour coordinated.
''Sorry guys, I couldn't decide what to wear,''
I blushed as all four of the guys stood before me, their eyes looking me up and down repeatedly. I had to admit, it made me feel way more confident than I did before coming downstairs. I felt that for once, the effort I made to look good had paid off.
''No, no, don't worry. You look amazing,'' I smiled and jumped down the last couple of steps and gave Patrick a hug.
''Thanks, you guys don't clean up too bad either,'' I smiled at them all.
Patrick was in denim jeans and a white shirt, Joe was in jeans and a leather jacket, Andy was in black skinny's and a black t-shirt, and Pete was dressed in dark denim jeans, a black button up shirt and a black skinny tie.
''I call shot-gun!''
''What? We're getting a cab, idiot,'' Andy stared at Pete questioningly.
''I know,'' Pete looked at Andy before smiling at me from across the room, ''I was shot-gunning Ell as my date,'' He smirked.
''And what if I don't want to be your date?'' I raised an eyebrow, smirking at him.
There was a chorus of 'oos' and burn insults from the other three boys, mainly Joe. I kept my cool, trying not to laugh. Pete stood up and came over to me. He had a devious smirk on his face. The cab beeped from outside and the three boys ran outside.
''Why wouldn't you?''
''No reason, I'm just saying,'' I shrugged.
''I gave you a job, you owe me,'' He smirked again.
''By being your date?'' I raised an eyebrow.
He nodded, ''All dates end with a kiss, right? C'mon,''
Pete took my hand, lacing our fingers together. He helped me into the cab and closed the door behind us. I could constantly feel him staring at me, but it didn't make me uncomfortable. I carried on like normal and waited for the end of the night to come.

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