Chapter 2

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It's been three months since they both left, and I was heading home after school when I saw Liam and some of his friends practicing.

"Hey Liam!" I yelled making him and the others stop and turn around. I walked closer so I was standing just inside the gate of the court.

"Yo, Yukiko! How's it?" He asked as he walked over.

"As best as I can since they both left." I said as I put a hand to my necklace.

"Don't worry. You'll see them soon." He said and I lowered my hand.

"I just don't want to worry that they've changed to much." I said and he sighed.

"Of course, they are going to change, but they will still be the same two knuckleheads you know and love. Though, I'm sure Taiga will be taller." He said.

"Don't remind me that I'm short!" I groaned out making him start laughing.

"You're not that short. I'll give you a hint though. It's not to late to start drinking more milk." He said and I scoffed before I lightly punched his arm making him laugh.

"I'm so kicking your ass next week." I said and he smiled.

"I'm not going down without a fight." He said as he held up his hands.

"Good. Don't make it boring." I said before I waved at his friends and walked away.

Throughout the rest of the week, and always after school, I would meet up with my team and we would practice until late. Once it got late, they would walk me home and I would eat, do my homework before crashing.

"Yukiko! Wake up! We've got the competition today!" I heard someone yell before they took my covers. I groaned and rolled over to see that it was Alex.

"Good morning to you, too." I said.

"Up! I expect to see you down at the kitchen table in twenty minutes!" She said before she walked out. I groaned before raising my head to look at the time.

"Alex! It's five thirty in the morning! The competition isn't until two!" I yelled.

"It's called warming up, and I wanna teach you something, so get your short ass up!" She yelled and I growled some before I slowly sat up. 

"You better have a piece offering, for me then." I mumbled as I put my feet on the floor. I started getting ready and was at the kitchen table where Alex and my mom were sitting at.

"Eat." Alex said as she slid a plateful of pancakes my way, before the syrup and my mom handed me my orange juice and coffee.

"You're forgiven." I said before I started eating. Once I was done, I sat my dirty dishes in the dishwasher before grabbing my bag.

"I'll see you later, mom." I said.

"I'll be there, cheering your team on!" She said and I smiled before I gave her a hug, before walking out with Alex. We walked in silence so I checked my phone to see I had a couple text messages from Taiga and Tatsuya.

"Good luck today, Yukiko. I can't wait to receive the call or text saying that you guys won!" Tatsuya said and I smiled before I went to Taiga's. I feel bad for falling a sleep in the middle of our phone call. I thought.

"Hey, Snow. I figured you passed out while we were on the phone. I'm not mad, I just keep forgetting about the time difference. Anyway. I hope you have fun later." He wrote in the first one. I smiled and went to the next one.

"Also. I can't wait to hear you saying you won." He said and I put my phone away after replying to the both of them. Once at a street court, I sat my bag down, took off Taiga's jacket and started warming up. Hours later, I was starving as I ate lunch with my team.

"You good, Yukiko?" Tyler asked me.

"I'm starving. Alex woke me up at five thirty so I could warm up and so she could teach me something." I said before I stuffed more of my sandwich into my mouth.

"I see. Well, there's plenty of food. I can also see why all the girls at your school are jealous of your figure." He said and I shot him a look.

"All the girls at my school are too girly and are scared to break their nails if they do any sort of exercise other than walking or shopping." I said before I started to drink my water.

"Fair point." Tyler said before he sat another sandwich in my lap.

"Thanks." I said before I went back to eating.

"Yo. I got the schedule. We're the second game. We're up against Liam." James said as he walked back up.

"Facing them already?" I mussed.


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