Chapter 54

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It was the first day of the Fukurōdani Academy Group practice games, and I was packing my medical bag when my phone buzzed. I grabbed it to see that it was Kuroo. 

"Fair warning. The new player on my team doesn't understand much about volleyball. Plus he pisses off Yaku about his height. I'm sure he'll mention yours, so I'll leave his punishment to you. Just try and not kill him." He said. 

"No promises. Thanks for the warning though. Tell Bokuto, I'll be there soon. I'm almost done packing my medical bag." I typed back before setting my phone down and getting back to work. Once done, I grabbed my other bag, phone and headed out after slipping into my shoes. I had just walked into the gym, when a ball headed my way. 

"Watch out!" I heard someone yell and I just grabbed it out of the air, and continued on walking, throwing it over my shoulder and into the waiting ball basket. 

"Nice to see you again, Nekomata-Sensei. Still following up on those exersies?" i asked him as I gave him a small bow. 

"Nice to see you again as well, Ataru. Those work wonders on my joints." he said but I saw him slightly frown.

"Don't worry. I'm getting better. It still hurts, but I'm getting better." I said and he smiled some. 

"Good. If you feel the urge to leave because of one, let one of us know, that way we can help you through one." he said and I nodded. 

"Hai. Thank you." I said before I knocked a ball away from us. 

"LEV! I told you, to pay more attention!" I heard Kuroo yell and I sweat dropped. 

"New member?" I asked. 

"Hai. He's tall, and lanky but he still hasn't been able to use those to his advantages completely. It's hit and miss." 

"Ah." I said before I sat my bags down. 

"Oh, Ataru-Chan!" I heard most of Nekoma and Fukurōdani say and I smiled at them. 

"Nice to see you guys." I said with a wave as I jogged over to Nekoma. 

"How are you feeling, Ataru-Chan?" Yaku-San asked and I sent him a kind smile. 

"Better. I know I'll never get over it, but it's getting better. Plus, have you seen the new tag that's going around on Instagram?" I asked him and he nodded. 

"Hai. GOM Revenge. All of them crushed Shiratorizawa's basketball team, with Yosen making sure they never scored once." He said and I rubbed the back of my head. 

"Tatsu and Murasakibura-Kun, were the main two who made sure of that." I said and he smiled. 

"That's what friends are for! Only they are getting revenge in their own way, since they can't do the same." He said with slight hesitation and I waved it off. 

"Don't worry. I'm not going to panic and shut down, no matter how much it hurts." I said and he nodded. 

"Good." He said. 

"Who's the tiny girl?" I heard a new voice ask, and it was soon deathly quite in the whole gym. 

"Anyone suddenly feel the urge to plan a funeral?" I heard someone whisper and I turned around with some tick marks, looking up at the tall player. 

"Name?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, carefully trying not to flare my aura. 

"Lev Haiba. I'm going to be Nekoma's new Ace." He said with a smile. 

"Hm. I don't see that happening anytime soon, Haiba-San. Your numbers are extremely low, and from what I hear. You suck." I said and I saw imaginary boulders land on his head, while I heard Kuroo start laughing. 

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