Chapter 48

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"Ataru-Chan?" I heard Aida-Chan ask when I ran up. 

"Hi!" I said. 

"How are you able to be on the court?" She asked me. 

"Medical studies." I said with a wink and she nodded before she called a timeout. I slipped her the clipboard, before Kiyoshi-San undid his bracer, and bandages. I was handed the tape, while Kiyoshi-San wiped off his knee. 

"I'm going to need that clipboard back, though. It's not mine." I said in a soft voice. 

"Got it." Aida-Chan said as I saw her reading it out the corner of my eye. 

"Thank you, Ataru-Chan." Kiyoshi-San said when I finished his knee. 

"Of course. Don't over do it. I can only slow it down some, but after this game. I can't help you anymore. You'll have to leave." I said and he nodded. 

"Of course." he said and I stood up, dusting off my clothes and hands, looking at everyone before stopping at Taiga with a pointed look that held a meaning only he would understand, because he drew back some understanding. 

"If you do not get your asses into gear. I will destroy each and everyone of you in practice. Am I clear?" I asked as I forced my aura on them. 

"Hai!" They managed to say before I stopped. 

"Now get out there, and kick Rakuzan's ass. I want that apology from Akashi." I said with a sharp glare in his direction, forcing my aura on him, where I saw him falter. I clenched my teeth some. Damn it. Taiga's the only one who can force it out of him then. I thought before I turned to look back at Seirin. 

"Kick ass, and it better be good." I said before I quickly jogged off the court. 

"They okay?" Bokuto-San asked and I nodded. 

"They'll be even better. Let's head back up." I said and they nodded before we all quickly started walking back. 

"Did we miss anything?" I asked. 

"Seirin scored a couple times. What did you do?" Komi-Kun asked and I smiled. 

"Just gave them the proper motivation." I said with an eerie smile. 

"You threatened them with a monstrous training didn't you?" Keiji-San asked. 

"More like I threatened to destroy each and everyone of them in practice. I never did say how." I said making them all look at me with a deadpan expression before we all turned to watch the game until Rakuzan called a time out. 

"Damnit! She brought Seirin back to life!" I heard Nebuya-San yell and I smirked. 

"Ding ding, we have a winner! There's no prize though!" I said and Bokuto-San laughed. 

"You're weird Ataru-Chan." He said. 

"I know." I said as I watched the game. I watched with awe and some disgust as the game continued to pick up speed. 

"Oya?" I said before I groaned. 

"Damnit!" I said while Bokuto-San hooted. 

"What were you going to say?" Komi-Kun asked me 

"I was just going to say that, Izuki-San kinda pissed off, Hayama-San." I said before I looked at everyone else. 

"I'll try to keep my aura off you. I've got to check something." I said and they all nodded, while I focused, activating my eye. Taiga's sinking deeper into the Zone, Hyuga-San finally knows how to stop the Void shots, as well as being calm in the head. I thought before i looked at Kiyoshi-San. His knee has a bit more red, but it's slower than what it was from before I made him start using the tap. I thought before I continued to analyze the court as Hyuga-San subbed in for the fourth quarter. I blinked when I saw Kiyoshi-San play. No! You absolute idiot! I thought as I forced tears back. 

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