Chapter 57

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After I landed, I immediately headed to the baggage claim. I grabbed my bag and headed out, making sure my head was done, and that no one could see my hair since no one but Shelby and Alex knew I was coming back today. When I got out, I saw Shelby. She smiled and we hugged before quickly ducking into her car, where she took off. We talked and caught up with each other, until she pulled up to the apartment I share with Alex. 

"Get a good nights sleep, you've got exams tomorrow." Shelby said and I nodded before I gave her another hug. I grabbed my bag, and got out, all but running into the apartment. 

"Welcome home, Yukiko." I heard Alex say. 

"I'm home, Alex." I said as I gave her a hug after taking off my shoes. She kissed my cheek before she gave me a light push to the bathroom. 

"Shower, and then bed. You have an early morning." She said and I nodded before going down the hall. Once I was in my bed, I passed out.

"Wake up, Princess! Breakfast is ready!" I heard Alex yell as she ripped away my blankets. 

"Fucking love you too." I grumbled as I got up. 

"You missed this, and you know it. Now, hurry up! Shelby said she would pick you up and drive you to your exams." 

"Hai, hai. Out!" I said as I threw my pillow. 

"Hurry!" Alex said before she shut my door. I sighed, but rolled out of my comfy bed with another grumble throwing on some clothes. I quickly ate, and grabbed my purse before walking out to see Shelby pulling up. I ran out and jumped in, allowing her to take off once more. I was a walking zombie after taking two exams.

"Here." I heard Alex say making me lift up my head, to see her handing me a cup. I took it, and smelt my favorite tea making me smile before I gently blew over the rim. 

"When do you get your results back?" 

"A week or two. I've still got more exams though." 

"True. Well, I know you'll blow them out of the water." 

"I hope so." 

"I know so. Oh and Taiga's team will be leaving for a game soon, so you don't have to worry about him coming over at anytime." Alex said and I let out a sigh of relief. 

"What did you tell him anyway?" 

"I'd be helping Keiji-San teach Bokuto and a few other people." 

"Ah. The old, 'studying with friends,' lie." 

"It wasn't all a lie. I mean. I did help them study before they threw me a surprise going away party with the Generation of Miracles, Tatsu and Nekoma." 

"That was sweet of them." 

"It went smoothly too. Especially since Bokuto can be pretty hyper."

"Understatement." Alex said with a snort and I rolled my eyes some making her stick out her tongue. 

"How's his relationship going?"

"He's practically wrapped around Keiji-San's finger. I've got a photo of their first kiss, if you wish to see it?"

"Who instigated the kiss?"

"I'm assuming it was Keiji-San since I heard Bokuto making a weird shocked sound." I said as I scrolled through my phone. 

"Aw, that's cute." Alex said when I showed her the picture. 

"Hm. They are together, as well as Iwaizumi and Oikawa. Mattsun and Makki are together but their teammates don't know yet. I only know because I happened to see them kissing. I said I'd keep it a secret, and we made a bet to see how long it would take Oikawa to realize that they are dating. I said around graduation, and they said right around Nationals. Then there's Suga and Daichi, as well. Kuroo and Kenma-Kun have a weird relationship. They're not dating, but they aren't looking for anyone else either. I've noticed the stares they give each other when the other isn't looking, and Kuroo makes sure that Kenma-Kun doesn't walk into anything when playing his game." I said as I typed into my phone. 

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