Chapter 15 Kagami

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"I'm going to be spending two days at a Spa, to relax. Shelby's orders. Congrats on your win! I can't wait to see you again during the summer, and hopefully see you play a game. If not, we can play against each other, again! So, I won't be on my phone much. Miss you!" Snow texted me and I smiled some before I put my phone away and started eating. 

"You're eating more than usual." Kuroko said and I stopped and turned to look at him.

"I'm surprised that's enough food for you. We played two games yesterday. I'm so hungry." I said before I took another bite of my sandwich. 

"I'm sore at least." 

"What does that mean? I guess I am, too." I said before I stretched some to help ease some of my stiffness. 

"Kagami-Kun, Kuroko-Kun!" I heard Coach say making me stop and turn my head to see her outside carrying two boxes. 

"Perfect. Come with me." She said and Kuroko and I found ourselves carrying a box.

"But we're sore. What are you, an ogre?" I asked her with an annoyed pained look. 

"You want to make a maiden carry those boxes? That's your job, boys." 

"I don't see a maiden anywhere." I said only to feel her punch my in my lower back. 

"What is this, anyway?" I asked her. 

"They're DVDs of this year's and last year's games from the club room. They're for scouting, and the club room is so small. We're going to be playing two games in a row against the kings in the semifinals. There's no such thing as over analyzing." Coach said.

"I forgot my towel." I said and opened my locker. I closed it to see someone out of the corner of my eye. I turned and jumped. 

"WHat are you doing? When did you get here?" I asked him. 

"I forgot something. You're the one who came in after me." He said. 

"You should've said something! You scared me!" I snapped before I stopped. If I'm not paying attention, I don't notice him at all. I haven't experience that in a while. I thought. 

"Look at that." Kuroko said as he pointed. I turned my head to see a bag, and a stool with a disk on it. 

"The coach must have forgotten it." Kuroko said and we soon had it playing on the t.v.

Their movements are kind of weird. I mean...Their rhythm is different. What is this feeling? I asked myself before I rewinded the dvd some. 

"This bald guy's defense is especially tough." I said. 

"I know him." Kuroko said making me look at him. 


"I played against him in middle school. We had only just started, but he stopped Kise-Kun." Kuroko said and I grew shocked before Kuroko told me what happened. The next day, the whole team was watching the disk again. 

"We already knew it would be, but this is going to be tough." 

"Sorry, but I feel like crying again." 

"Frankly, we'd lose nine times out of ten against Seiho and Shutoku. We just have to bring that one win to our games." Coach said. 

"Hey, listen." Captain said getting all of our attention. 

"I wouldn't go so far as to call it a strategy, but I have an idea." Captain said. 

A couple days later, it was time for our games. I sent a quick text to Snow, to let her know before going out with the rest of the team  to go warm up. Once I was stretched, I ran and then dunked the ball in, before I landed on my feet. I turned to see Shutoku and Midorima was holding onto a ball before he turned some and looked over at Kuroko and I. 

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