Chapter 46

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The game was already intense and it had only just begun. I cheered for Seirin as well as explained what happened every now and then only to stop when I saw how Seirin kept missing their attempted baskets. They are getting impatient. I thought before I looked at Aida-Chan. Slow down the pace. I thought and a few moments later it happened, because she pulled out Izuki-San. 

"He's shaking." Keiji-San said. 

"Will he be okay?" I heard a lot of people ask. 

"He's scared but he'll pull through. He's only there to slow down the tempo. Give Seirin a chance to get a clear head." I said before we all lapsed into silence.

"I see. He's a supporting player, not a risk taker." Keiji-San said after Seirin got their first points since Kise-Kun used his Perfect Copy and I nodded.

"Hai." I said in a soft voice, as they continued to play until Kaijo called a timeout with about two minutes left in the first quarter. He's gotten faster. I thought when Kasamatsu-San get passed Izuki-San before I glanced at everyone else on the court before I smiled. Good. He's warmed up enough. I thought as Taiga and Kise-Kun started to face off. 

"They're intense!" Bokuto-San said. 

"Neither one is backing down. I can see why you love this sport, Yukiko-San." Keiji-San said and I smiled.

"The game is only just starting though. Besides, I'm starting to love Volleyball as well." I said. 

"Just not as much as Basketball." Keiji-San said and I rubbed the back of my head. 

"You got me there." I said making Bokuto-San laugh some before we all went back to watching the game. As the game went on, I narrowed my eyes at Kise-Kun's leg. It's even more red. I thought as Taiga got screened. I pulled out my phone and went through my list of notes before I found the one I was searching for. I started to hum some as I clicked on the right number and sent the text. 

"What'd you do?" Keiji-San asked. 

"Nothing to bad. It's all for my studies anyway. I've got pretty much every phone number for Coaches in Japan. I just used it now, to contact Kajio's coach." I said. 

"What for?" Bokuto-San asked and I just pointed to the court, right as the scorekeepers announced a member change for Kaijo. 

"They are pulling out Kise-San? Why?" Keiji-San asked. 

"During the summer, Kise-Kun played against, Aomine-San, a fellow streetplayer, and lost, but in doing so. He messed up his leg. During his game against, Hazaki. The person who attacked me, Hazaki stepped harshly on his foot, making his leg worse. If he continues to play without resting, he could tear ligaments. He'll be able to go back in, but won't be able to play the next game." I said. 

"You've got blackmail on Kise-San, don't you?" Keiji-San asked. 

"Not exactly. Kise-Kun, is a model, just like me. But unlike me, he's not being harrassed for dates, or people trying to mug him. Kise-Kun's got some pretty scary fangirls." I said with a shrug. 

"You are evil." Keiji-San said and all I did was smile before going back to watch the game, only to blink in shock when I saw Kasamatsu-San. He's got a serious look on his face. I thought before I followed his line of sight, to Kuroko-Kun. Oh. I see what you are planning. I thought but didn't say anything out loud. God! He's form is so terrible! I thought even though the ball went in. 

"He stopped the disappearing shot?!" Bokuto-San said. 

"Hai. If you are up close, it seems like it disappears, but when you are a step back, you can follow the line of sight. Kuroko-Kun wants the person who is trying to stop him, look down on him, so he can make them look at Taiga for a split second as he shoots the ball. It's kinda complicated, but it works." I said with a shrug as Seirin subbed Kuroko-Kun out for Mitobe-San. I watched with a smile as Taiga was given the ball even though he was being double teamed. I blinked in shock when I saw him break through easily without a penalty. 

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