Chapter 16 Kise

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Senpai, and I were walking to the Inter-High, and I was on my phone. 

"What are you looking at?" Senpai asked me. 

"A recording of this morning's Oha Asa. It's their morning horoscope. When this thing's good, Midorimacchi's good." I said. 

"The guy from Teiko. What's his sign?"

"Cancer. Kurokocchi's an Aquarius." I said. 

"I didn't ask." Senpai said. 

"First place goes to Cancer. Congratulations! You'll have no complaints today. Last place goes to Aquarius. Play it quiet today." Oha Asa said. 

"Uh oh." I said as I stopped on one of the steps that lead to the Inter-High building. 

"What?" Senpai asked me. 

"This is terrible." I said before we continued to walk in. 

"I'm going to go buy a drink." I told Senpai. 

"Hurry up!" He said and I nodded. I went and got my drink only for my phone to ring. 

"Hai, this is Kise." I said once I saw that it was my manager. 

"Kise, remember how I told you, that you might be working with an American Model by Winter?" my manager asked me. 

"Hai." I said. 

"Well, it's official. YOu will be working with her. Her name is, Ataru Yukiko. She's not just an American Model, she's also an active Street ball player that is called the Goddess." 

"Streetball?" I asked in somewhat shock. 

"Hai. She's actually really good, to the point where she might just be able to give all you Generation of Miracles a run for your money. She's pulled off more complex moves, then that Aomine Daiki. She's actually getting ready to have a at home documentary report soon, so you'll be able to see what she's like through that, as well as more information that I will send you." She said. 

"Okay. Do you know when, she'll arrive?" I asked. 

"No, but I will let you know." 

"Okay. Thank you, for the update." I said. 

"Your welcome. Good by Kise." She said before she hung up. I sighed and put my phone away before going back to senpai. 

"You took so long buying a drink, the game's already started." Senpai said before he punched me, but not as hard as he usually does. Though it still hurt some. 

"Gomen. My manager called to let me know that I will be having a job partner during the Winter. She's an American Model, and she plays streetball." I said. 

"She's probably a stuck up girl, who's got a brain similar to yours." Senpai said. 

"Mean, ssu!" I said as I felt tears run down my face. 

"Shut up, you idiot!" Senpai yelled before he hit me again, just as I felt my phone go off. I pulled it out of my pocket to see that it was a couple texts from my manger. I quickly opened them to see that one was a picture of Ataru Yukiko. 

"This was immediately taken by the photographer when she stepped onto the street court.My manager said and I looked back to the picture and felt my face explode. 

"Oi, Kise!" Senpai yelled. 

"G-gomen." I said and he sighed before he took my phone, and I watched as his face turned redder than what I felt mine go. 

"S-s-she's beautiful." Senpai finally stuttered out and I nodded before I went to the next text to see that it was a picture of her grades. 

"She's a straight A, student." I said.

"Straight A student, a model, and she plays streetball. She's talented." Senpai said with a still red face but in a tone that was laced with something I couldn't figure out before we fell into silence. 

"Huh?" I said when we arrived and I looked at the scoreboard. 

"What?" I asked in shocked. 

"Whoa, seriously?" Senpai asked as we watched the game. 

"What are they doing?" I asked with a worried smile. 

"I thought so when we played them, but Seirin's a slow starter. Kagami's usually the one to put his foot on the gas, but without that, they can't hit their stride." Senpai said before we watched Kagami get a charging foul, and I noticed that Kurokocchi couldn't pass the ball. 

"Seiho's defense is man-to-man, but this is no ordinary man-to-man. They're creating pressure by staying right on their guys the whole time. You can't break away from them easily. No matter how good you are at passing, if no one's free, you're playing at half power." Senpai said. 

"Their defense is strong, but they'll never last until the end of the game playing like that." I said as I casted a sideways glance at Senpai. 

"But they do, because...One of the techniques they use is called 'namba running.' Usually your arms and legs move in opposite directions when you run, but when namba running your arms and legs move together. Apparently, by avoiding twisting, you reduce the strain on your body and the energy you spend." Senpai said. 

"You know a lot about this." I told him. 

"They're an unusual team. They've been interviewed by Basketball Monthly, too." Senpai said and I turned my head to look at the court once more. I see. That's how they do it. Tsugawa's defense is even stronger than last year. However...They won't take this sitting down for long. I thought as I watched both teams sit on the bench talking plans. Let's see how you guys do now. I thought as they started walking back onto the court. 

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