Chapter 12 Kagami

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I watched as Dad's face kept the look of shock as I started falling to the court. 

"Let's get them back!" The other Captain yelled as he threw the ball back in. I barely made eye contact with Kuroko and he bounced the ball back to the net, where I was at. I caught it and slammed it in before jogging with the others to our side. That was amazing. Has Kuroko always been this good? I asked myself. 

"Are you really that mad about being called a kid?" Captain asked me. 

"Yeah. It's like, don't talk until you've played them." I said and not to much long later, the end of the first quarter hit. 

"Kuroko-Kun, you've got a time limit, so we're swapping you out here. Because we have to start reserving Kuroko-Kun's strength, we'll lose some power during the mid-game, so don't let them close the point gap. They don't have any dangerous players aside from Dad. Ultimately, it all comes down to how well Kagami-Kun can handle Dad." Coach said as she looked at me and I felt a smile on my face. 

"Just leave it to me." I said. Snow. Your old man, is right. I thought before Coach gave us a couple more tips before we all walked back onto the court. I continued to pressure Dad, and I jumped with Dad when he did only to gasp some. 

"I'm serious now! I will not lose!" Dad said when we both landed onto the court, and I let out a huff. 

"I couldn't as for any more. I'm starting to get excited, Dad!" I said before we all went back to playing. I blocked Dad, when Captain's shot was short for the basket. 

"You bastard." Dad said and I jumped up to get the ball, luckily I managed to get it before he did. I landed back on my feet before jumping once more throwing the ball into the net allowing us to score. I let out a small laugh and aimed a smile at Dad, to annoy him. I jumped when Dad tried to take another basket and his eyes grew wide, and he passed the ball. I continued to do this, until the fourth quarter, when Kuroko got back on. 

"No! I don't want to lose!" Dad said before he jumped. 

"You said you were disappointed in the Generation of Miracles, but you overestimate yourself! Compared to you, they're way stronger!" I said before I jumped and finally blocked his shot, allowing us to win. 

"Game over!" The ref yelled and I could hear the bench players cheering as I started falling back to the ground. We all lined up and waited. 

"Sixty-seven to seventy-nine, Seirin!" 

"Thank you!" We all said before walking off the court. I had just finished zipping my bag when I saw someone standing next to me out the corner of my eye. I stood up to see that it was Dad. 

"I lost." He said and I grew shocked. 

"Please play hard for me in your next game." He said. 

"Huh? Uh, sure." I said. 

"I mean, you're an idiot! An idiot!" Dad said before he was grabbed and dragged off. 

"You moron, I won't lose next time!" Dad yelled and I stood there in pissed off shock, while everyone else sweat dropped. When we left, I pulled out my phone to see that I had a lot of missed calls from Snow. 

"What the hell?" I muttered. 

"Is something wrong, Kagami-Kun?" Coach asked making me jump some and a moment later she had my phone. 

"Who's Snow?" She asked and I took my phone back from her. 

"A close friend of mine, back in America." I said as I put my phone away. 

"Well they called you, a lot. Aren't you going to call them back?" Coach asked me. 

"Snow's either at work right now, or trying to find someone to fill in for Charlie's spot on the team." I said. 

"They seem popular then." Coach said. 

"Oh, you've got no idea." I said before I started walking. I got home and called Snow back, and nearly crushed my phone in anger. 

"T-Taiga!" Snow yelled. 

"Yes?" I asked her. 

"I can hear you growling. Please, calm down. I'm not hurt and I talked to Shelby once I got to work. She said she would start picking me up from wherever I'm at and take me to work, before dropping me off at the house. She's also going to sign me up for self defense classes as well as assign me a bodyguard for major events or major photo shoots outside the work building." She said and I sighed. 

"WHy don't you take a break, from modeling. It doesn't have to be a long break either." I said and I could hear her holding her phone closer to her ear. 

"If I do that, then there's a possibility that we won't have that layover in Japan, during the summer. I want that layover to happen. I need that layover to happen." She said as she put more emphasise on the word need. 

"Why?" I asked her. 

"Is it a crime, to want to see my own on best friend, for a couple days, after almost two years apart?" She asked and I put a hand over my heart when she said best friend. 

"No, it's not." I said and I could picture her smiling softly. 

"The layover will be about four days to a week, before I have to fly to Hawaii where I'll be teaming up with four locally famous female surfers for a surfing photoshoot, before flying back to California." She said and I sighed. 

"Just promise me, you won't overwork yourself. I need you to be well that way, whenever I see you again, I can give you a giant hug." I said and she giggled softly. 

"I'll be looking forward to that hug, then." She said. 

"Yukiko, the designer of that dress is here!" I heard someone yell in the back before Snow sighed. 

"Alright! I'll be there in a moment!" She yelled back. 

"As you heard, I got to get back to work. Congratulations on your win! This tall player, Dad sounded like a great opponent. I'll be pretty busy the rest of month, so I probably won't have a lot of time to have a long conversation with you, but I'll still send you texts." She said. 

"Thanks and okay. Don't forget to relax, soon though." I said. 

"I won't forget. I miss you, and we'll see each other soon." She said. 

"I miss you, too." I said before she hung up. 

"I love you, Snow." I said softly before putting my phone away and headed to the shower. 

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