Chapter 22 Aida

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I was taking a short break from coming up with training ideas for the team, when I heard the t.v.

"What are you watching?" I asked as I stretched my arms over my head. 

"It's a documentary on the street player, in America. The one you've been pretty obsessed about." My dad said. 

"Ataru Yukiko?" I asked. 

"That's the one." He said and I leaned over the couch some to see that she and the people who were with her were leaving the hair salon. 

"She cut her hair." I said.

"She said she lets it grow out for two years before she gets it cut again. Evidently she donates it." My dad said. 

"Is there anything, bad she does?" I asked. 

"So, far? No." Dad said as we watched them enter a shoe store. I kinda tuned out that part and the rest until I saw a familiar shade of red on the screen. I leaned forward even more. 

"That shade of red. It looks oddly familiar." I mused. 

"Mrs. Kagami." Ataru said making me gasp as I leaned to much forward, causing me to flip over the couch. 

"Honey, are you okay?" My dad asked causing a tick mark to appear on my head. 

"I'm fine!" I yelled as I punched him before getting up. I turned my attention back onto the t.v. to see that Ataru was talking to Kagami-Kun's mom before they took some pictures and she walked away. 

"You know her?"

"Ya. She's my friends mom." Ataru-Chan said as she put her hand to her forehead, before letting her hand fall to her side, as she seemed to subconsciously tug the too big jacket she was wearing closer to her before she dropped down and talked to a little boy that had walked up to her. A short time skip later, showed her playing ball with that little boy. Forty minutes playing, and twenty minutes of her teaching him. 

"I can see why she's the Captain of her team." Dad said and I nodded as the boy left with his mom's before another team showed up. I watched as names of each person appeared after one challenged her because they wanted her jacket. 

"Go ahead. You heard us tell him, that he can't go crying to us when he loses." The Captain of the boy team said. 

"Alright. First to what?" Ataru-Chan asked.

"Nah. You want to triple the score on him, do it." 

"Are you sure?"


"Alright. You heard your Captain, Shaun." Ataru-Chan said as they both walked onto the court. A moment later, the ball was thrown up and  they both jumped. I watched in shocked awe as she managed to get it before him. 

"She's barely over five feet tall, yet she can jump just as high as someone who's six feet tall could." My dad said and I nodded as I watched her easily break past him and scored. A small score board appeared on the screen and we watched as she easily kept getting around him, no matter what he threw at her until she finally stopped. The final score. Ninety to twelve. 

"She wiped him off the court." I said. 

"She's holding back." My dad said making me look at him in shock. 


"She's holding back. She's holding back a lot." he said once more before we lapsed into silence to finish the documentary. 

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