Chapter 14

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"Yukiko, I reserved you a two day trip the the best spa in town. I'm also banning you from playing ball for the next week. I've already let Alex know, and she's already told your teammates to stop you from playing." Shelby said and I nodded. 

"Okay." I said, 

"Also your travels in the summer. It'll be longer but it is official. You will have a layover in Japan, and it won't be for that short time period. You'll be allowed to stay for two weeks, that way you can spend time with your best friends, relax and get to know the area some before you stay there for about a year during the Winter, which will be anywhere between September to December." Shelby said and I nodded as I tried to contain my smile. 

"And I'm sure, you'll be going to attend Taiga's school." She said making me blush and she laughed.

"I'll take your face as a yes, so I'll go ahead and send in your measurements to Seirin that way you can have a uniform ready for you. And I'm sure you'll be staying with Taiga." 

"That's if he let's me." I said and she smirked. 

"I'm sure he will, but if he doesn't it'll be easy to set you up into an apartment." She said and I nodded. We talked for a little bit longer before she looked at the time. 

"It's late. Let's get you home. I want you to relax but that doesn't mean you can't slack off on your grades. Like your mom said, you can continue doing this as long as your grades stay above seventy five, otherwise, I will have to temporarily fire you until you get your grades up." Shelby said. 

"Luckily, I'm a straight A student, but I will continue to make sure I'm doing my best in school. I'm not going to lie. I know I've been working with you for what, almost two years now?" I asked her. 

"One year and four months, give or take." She said. 

"You're completely different than what I expected to be." I said and she sent me a smile. 

"Just because I own my own modeling agency doesn't mean, I have to ice cold or anything. Besides, I truly care for you and everyone else you work with. Your mental and physical health is important as well. Just because your a model, doesn't mean you are allowed to starve yourself, or anything of the like." She said. 

"Speaking of modeling, and the mental and physical health, don't I have a in home documentary coming up about what I do at home?" I asked and she nodded. 

"That's next Wednesday. It'll be around the time you normally get up. I think it would be more relatable if they get to your house as soon as soon as you wake up, that way it truly shows what you are like." she said and I nodded. 

"Though, I will make sure Alex has clothes on." I said and she sweat dropped. 

"Please try, if not we can make sure to not show her." She said and I nodded. 

"Alright. Would it be already if I feed them?" 

"It's alright for me, but you will still have to ask them." She said and I nodded. She stood up, and collected her things, before we both walked out of her office. As she drove, she stopped and we each got a milkshake from Liam's work, before she dropped me off. I made sure I had all my belongings before getting out. I waved my thanks before pulling out keys and unlocking the door to the apartment. I had just shut the door when she pulled away with another wave. 

"You okay?" Alex asked and I nodded. 

"I've already hidden your basketball shoes and all the basketballs." She said and I held in a groan. 

"You can't be sneaky." She said. 

"I know. It'll be weird for me though." I said and she laughed. 

"Too bad, so sad. How's Taiga, and Tatsuya?" She asked me. 

"Taiga and Tatsuya are both good. They are currently going through the preliminary rounds of the Inter-High. Both doing extremely well from what they told me." I said and she nodded. We both talked for a little bit longer before going to bed. I woke up in the morning to see that she was gone but had left me a note. I picked it up to see that it was just here telling me that I would be picked up at ten. I looked at the time to see that it was nine thirty. I sighed but went and took a quick shower before I went and put on some simple but classy clothes as well as Taiga's jacket. I threw my hair up into a pony tail after brushing it. I quickly packed a bag, and grabbed a pair of sunglasses before the doorbell rang. I walked down the hall and saw that it was Shelby. I grabbed my keys, made sure I had my phone and charger before I opened the door. 

"Good morning! Are you ready for your spa trip?" she asked. 

"As I can be." I said as I locked the door behind me before following her to her car. 

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