Chapter 61

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"Oh, shit." I said softly when I realized she was right after doing the mental math. 

"You want to set up an appointment go ahead. I'll fix you some banana oat muffins, since they'll be good for you to eat." She said and I numbly nodded as she walked out. I closed the door after her, and stared into my reflection in shock, before turning and placing a hand on my stomach. I stayed in the bathroom for a few more moments before walking out. I called and got an appoint for around lunch, and I knew I'd have plenty of time before the wedding. I ate, and got ready to go before Auntie and I headed out since everyone went on a head.

"You've been quieter than normal." Auntie said and I looked at her.

"I don't want another one. I know what Grandma J said but I still don't want another miscarriage or false hope." I said softly.

"Hey, I get your reasoning but I have really good feelings about this. Nothing bad is going to happen." She said.

"I hope your right." I said softly before we got to the clinic. I checked in and didn't have to wait long before I was brought to the back. I told the doctor everything, and was quickly giving a blood test. The testing didn't take long, before the doctor was back.

"Well, congratulations on your pregnancy. Your about a month pregnant. Due to you no longer living in Japan, I will forward everything from today to your normal doctor in America, where they will provide you your vitamins, and your other necessities." She said.

"Thank you." I said softly and she smiled as she gave me the paperwork.

"Of course, Kagami-San." She said before I filled out the necessary paperwork and left. I got back to Auntie who raised her eyebrow. I said nothing until we got into the car.

"Well. I'm about a month along." I said and she let out a tiny squeal.

"Have you told him yet?" She asked.

"No. I'd rather do it in person." I said.

"Right, of course." She said before she launched into remedy fixes until we got to where the wedding would take place.

"Hey, Auntie?"

"Yes, my dear? She asked.

"Can you keep this quite for now? Today's about Kōtarō and Keiji. Plus, I want to tell everyone after the possibility of a miscarriage is gone." I said.

"Huh? Of course, if that's what you wish. Oh, here." She said before she handed some peppermints.

"These might help with scents that would trigger your morning sickness. If they make it worse, let me know and I'll get you some ginger." She said and I nodded before hiding my paperwork, and placing the mints in my purse before we headed in. I was talking with Keiji's family, when it hit me. I managed to smile and push along but caught Auntie's eye, because she quickly walked over.

"Sorry, mind if I borrow her?" She asked.

"Go right on ahead. It was nice talking to you again." Keiji's parents siad.

"It was nice talking to you again, as well." I managed to get out before Auntie and I walked away. I listened to her talk before we slipped away without anyone seeing us. I slipped into the bathroom and puked.

"Ugh, why must we get sick anyway?" I muttered as I cleaned up.

"Good question." Auntie said as she made sure my hair was still up, before I rinsed out my mouth, and popped in a peppermint. We walked out, striking up a conversation before I split off when I saw Kuroo and Kenma.

"Hey, Tom Cat. Kenma-Kun." I said.

"Yo, Kagami-Chan." Kuroo said with his normal smirk, while I got a small smile out of Kenma.

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