Chapter 26 Kagami

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There's two minutes left, and Shutoko called a timeout. We listened to coach as she told us what to do before we all walked back onto the court. I went after Midorima, only to be screened by another player, as they passed the ball to Midorima. Do it, now! I thought and a moment later, Kuroko moved the ball away from Midorima's reach. 

Damn it! I thought when it became a five point gap, and thirty seconds left in the game. 

Fifteen seconds. I thought before I turned and weakly screened the center of Shutoku, along Captain to score three points. Four seconds. I thought. 

"Did we win?" 

"You haven't won yet." I turned and watched Takao pass the ball to Midorima. 


"Let me tell you why I am determined to shoot from so far away. It is not simply because my shots are worth three points. It's not unusual for comebacks to happen in the last seconds of a close game. Sometimes, they are the results of desperate shots. I will not leave it up to chance! That is why I end games with a buzzer beater. That is what it means to everything humanly possible!" Midorima said as he started to jump. 

"We're going to win! I thought. Move, legs! From the first game, to this game, to the very end, you can't just get in my way! I thought as I lowered my legs more. I finally jumped only for Midorima to crouch. 

"I believed in you. I believes that even at your limit, you would overcome it and jump." he said. 

"Crap!" I said as I started to fall back to the court. 

"I believed in him as well. I believed Kagami-Kun would jump." Kuroko said and a moment later, the ball was smacked to the court. 


"And that you, believe that, would lower the ball one more time." Kuroko said and the buzzer went off letting us know that the game was over, and that we won. 

"All right! 

"Game over!"

I couldn't help but smile. God. Her old man really was right. I thought as I also sparred a small look up at the ceiling before we all went to line up. 

"Eighty-two to eighty-one, Seirin!" 

"Thank you very much!" We all said before walking off the court. 

"Let's go home!" 

"No, wait...Sorry...Seriously...wait...We just played two games against kings." 

"Oh, sorry." 

I sat on the floo in agony, as the pain in my legs just kept flaring up. 

"We'll be fine after we rest for a few minutes, but Kagami...He pushed himself to hard." 

"I can't even stand, let alone move." I managed to get out. Holy shit! I didn't realize it was going to be this painful when you try and leave after sitting for a few moments. Can't believe she was able to endure this. I thought. 

"But we can't stay here forever. Let's go into the closest restaurant. Someone carry Kagami-Kun." 

"Let's decided with rock, paper, scissors, then. Rock, paper, scissors..."

"Excuse me!" 


"There are so many of you."

"Kuroko, you'll pay for this." I said as pain continued to flare up my legs, as I was forced to walk the rest of the way. 

"Sorry, you're too heavy. Kise and Kasamatsu!" I all but yelled when I saw them. 

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