Chapter 9

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I was almost home from our practice game when my phone buzzed once more. I took it out of my pocket to see that it was another text from Snow. 

"Also. I borrowed your board, when I went to the beach. Hope, you don't mind." she said. 

"I don't mind. If you like, you can keep it at your house. I trust you with it." I typed back. 

"I would, but I live with Alex now. Her apartment doesn't have room for a surfboard." she replied back. 

"Still. I trust you with my board. Anyway. We won the practice game, but I'm extremely tired. I'll talk to you later." I typed before I unlocked the door to my apartment. 

"Yay! I'm glad you won! Okay. I let you rest. Talk to you later. Miss you!" 

"Miss you, too." I typed back before I went and took a shower. 

The next day, I only woke up, when I felt my hand land on something. 

"Huh?" I said. 

"Don't 'huh' me." I heard my sensei said shocking me stiff, with my hand still on top of his head. 

"How dare you sleep so shamelessly in my class? Come to the faculty office later." Sensei said. 

"What?" I said removed my hand, but didn't argue with him, just tiredly glare in front of me, while hearing snores behind me. Why didn't he get in trouble? I asked myself. Later, the team and I found ourselves in the hallway standing in front of coach. 

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Go buy some bread." Coach said.



"On the twenty-seventh of every month, the Seirin High cafeteria sells a limited quantity of very special bread." She said.

"I see." 

"Supposedly, eating this fantastic bread will bring you great success in love, clubs, or anything else. The triple delicacy Iberian pork cutlet sandwich with caviar, foie gras, and truffles! It's 2800 yen!" She said.

"It's so expensive. And there's so much on there, it must be trash."

"We beat Kaiko, and practice is coming along well. We're asking you to get this fantastic bread so you can continue building momentum." Hyūga-senpai said.

"But we're not the only ones with our eyes on it. It always gets a little busier than usual." Coach said. 

"We just have to go buy some bread, right? That's easy as pie... ma'am." I said. 

"Here. The second years will pay for this. Buy lunch for everyone else while you're there, too. But if you fail...I don't need any change. Instead, you'll be doing three times as much strength training and footwork." Hyūga-senpai said with a scary grin and aura around him. Terrifying! I thought. 

"If you don't hurry, they'll be sold out." Izuki-senpai said. 


"Don't worry. We managed to buy some last year, and you're just going to buy some bread. Bread? Panda bears eat panda bread." Izuki-Senpai said and we all started walking away. 

"See you later." we all said. 

"Seriously? Are you serious?" I asked in shock when we made it to the cafeteria. It was going to overflow with students trying to get this sandwich. 

"Lady, gimme an Iberian pork sandwich!"

"Iberian! Gimme an Iberian!" 

"What are you doing? That hurts!" 

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