Chapter 39 Kagami

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A month later, I had just gotten home from practice good, when my phone went off. I groaned slightly as I shifted my sore body to grab my phone. I managed to accept the call and put my phone to my ear. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Taiga." I heard Snow say but what really got my attention was how she said it. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her as I carefully sat up. 

"It's Shelby's board members. They don't want me to go to Seirin, they want me to go to another school in Tokyo." She said. 

"What school?" I asked her. 

"Fukurōdani Gakuen. It's not to far away from Seirin, and I'll still be able to live with you, but the board doesn't want me to go to a school, to focus on basketball. It's either I go to Fukurōdani Gakuen, or they completely cancel my upcoming contract with Kise and I have to stay here." SHe said with a sniff and I sighed. 

"You would think they would trust you more, because you are already in college courses." I said. 

"They control my paycheck, as well as my future. They could fabricate a rumor, and that's the end of career. I need this, to help push everything I've dreamed of doing to happen. I'm changing the world, still." She said.

"I know you are, and I'm so proud to see you changing the world, especially people's opinions on how you should portray yourself. You are giving people the confidence they didn't know they had to start acting like themselves. Even if we have to go to different schools because of this, I won't stop loving and supporting you. It hasn't changed before and I will not change that not." I said as she continued to sniffle some. 

"What would I do without you, and Tatsu?" 

"Probably drive yourself to the point of insanity." I said making her snort. 

"Ya, you're probably right." She said making me smile.

"Oh, ya. I got myself a present." She said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Oh?" I asked her, and I could almost picture her bright red face. 

"Nothing like that!" She said. 

"You sure? Because, I wouldn't mind." I said and I heard her let out a weird squeak before sounding of someone getting slapped. 

"Damn it, Ally! Stay out of my conversations! I stay out of yours!" Snow yelled before the sounds of a struggle of her phone. 

"Yo, Taiga, right?! It's Ally!" I heard and the yelling of Snow, with curses of her height, and telling of Ally to stay still. 

"I've been friends with her for years, before we started dating. I'd rather kill myself than to seriously hurt." I said. 

"Hm. Good. Also, when you have sex with her, make sure to fuck her good." Ally said causing my face to nearly burst into flames. 

"Ally, what the fuck!" Snow yelled. 

"What? Im just stating the obvious! Not my fault, you landed looking more exhausted, than just jet lag. It also didn't help you had to use the boyfriend code, for your next photoshoot! I'll give the two of you some space. I've don't my job! You better treat her right, or well. I'm sure you can image." ALly said before I heard the phone being passed to SNow. 

"I'm gonna kill her." Snow muttered. 

"No, you're not. I'd rather not have my girlfriend being charged with murder." I said and she groaned.

"I can't believe she did that! She's! Ugh!" Snow said and I chuckled lightly. 

"You'll be fine. I'm going to go hop in the shower. I'm sore from practice." I said. 

"Okay. I'll text you a picture of what I was talking about. I love you." She said. 

"I love you too. I'll see you soon." I said before I heard her cussing at Ally before she hung up. I got out of the shower, and was drying my hair when I saw my phone flash. I let my towel drape from my shoulders as I grabbed my phone. I clicked on Snow's message and saw that it was a pictures of her in a jersey. I clicked on the next one to see that it was showing the back of it and I couldn't help but smile, when I saw that it had my last name on the back. 

"You look cute in that. Keep it." I told her before I put my phone down and got ready for bed. It was soon November with no sign of her coming back. Seems like she's having trouble wither her collage classes. I thought as I bounced the ball up and down on my left arm. 

"You're getting pretty good with your left arm." 

"Yeah. It's even been easier to eat with this hand lately." I said. 

"So, you still can't sleep the day before a tournament, huh?" Furihara asked and I sighed. 

"No. Snow, called me in the middle of the night. She was supposed to be here already but she's been having trouble with one company she did a photoshoot as well as her college classes. I had to stop her from having a panic attack." I said as I spun the ball on one finger while I rubbed my face with my other hand. 

"Panic attacks?" They asked.

"Ya. She tends to have one, when she's seriously over thinking, or when she's extremely scared. Luckily they don't happen to often, so she doesn't need medicine to help her out." I said. 

"Oh! Wait? She's in college?" 

"College classes. The high school she goes to offers college classes to help you skip a couple years towards your degree. She's wanting to become a sports physician, and a sports therapist." I said. 

"Aren't they pretty much the same thing?" 

"Yes, but there's also differences, but when she gets her degrees, she'll probably combine them." I said with a shrug before we all turned our attention to our senpai's. 

"We're still missing one." 

"Huh, Kuroko?" 

"I'm here!" 

"You are?!" 

"Hai, I've been here the whole time." Kuroko said before he turned his head. 

"No, you're lying this time! You barely made it on time running here!" I yelled as I pointed at him, causing him to stiffen up. 

"Silence?!" I yelled when he didn't respond back. 

"Let's go. We haven't forgotten anything, have we?" Captain asked and we soon started walking after that. Coach explained the preliminary bracket to us before giving us a game strategy. 

"He seems relaxed. Are we going to be okay?" I asked as I looked at Kiyoshi-Senpai. 

"I think we'll be fine." Kuroko said. 


"I guess you could say I feel at ease with him on the court. I don't think we'll lose." Kuroko said. 

"Let's make that happen then." I said as we all lined up. 

"Let the Winter Cup preliminary game between Seirin High School and Josei High School begin. Bow." 

"Good luck." We all said before we all noticed that one of Josei High's players started to cry, causing us to stare at him in shocked horror. 

"What's wrong, Narumi?" 

"You're so mean, Captain. Why, would you do that?"


"A girl. You said the coach of the other team was a girl. I was looking for something bigger, something more exciting. She's not sexy at all! Give back what you stole from me!" he yelled as he continued at Coach, causing all of us to start shaking in fear for his and our lives. We all turned our attention to Coach, only to see her smile at us, before she ran her thumb across her throat before she pointed her thumb down, telling us to go slaughter them. 

"Yes, ma'am!" We all said in fright before we got ready for the tip off. 

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