Chapter 7 Kagami

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Kise, and everyone else stared at me in shock.

"So?" Kise asked and Kuroko moved my hand off his head.

"It's true Kurokocchi's style is the only one I can't imitate. But what does that change?" Kise asked before a whistle blew.

"End of the first quarter! Take a two minute break!"

"It changes everything. We'll bring you to tears in the second quarter." I said before I turned around and walked off the court.

"I see. Yeah, that could work. Kagami-Kun, looks like you finally cooled down." Coach said.

"No, I was always-" I started to say only for Captain and Izuki-Senpai to cut me off.

"You were really pissed!"

"But Kuroko-Kun and Kagami-Kun, your coordination will be key. Can you do it?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably. We'll wo-" I started to say only to be cut off by a sharp jab to my ribs.

"You bastard, where did that come from?" I asked him in pain.

"You want to beat Kise-Kun, don't you?" Kuroko asked me.

"Of course I do!" I said as I jabbed him in his ribs as payback.

"Well, then."

"Let the second-quarter begin!"

"Take care of the counter attack!" Coach said before we walked onto the court.

We were soon playing, and it was still an eight point difference. I soon had the ball, and was facing Kise, again.

"Something's changed, right?" He asked and I didn't respond just started running. Not to much long later, I passed the ball backwards, and Kuroko passed it back to me, once it was around Kise, and got the ball in.

"All right! A three pointer! A five point gap!" a senpai yelled a moment later. Soon, Kuroko was on Kise, completly shocking Kise for a moment. I was in front of Kise, when he went around Kuroko.

"Wrong. We're not gonna stop you." I said and a second later, Kuroko hit the ball out of Kise hands.

"It doesn't matter how amazingly you play against us. We're trying to let you through!" I said before we got another shot.

"I just won't run by you, then. No one said I couldn't shoot, a three pointer!" Kise said when he got the ball again, but I used Kuroko's head to knock the ball out of the air.

"Fast break!" I yelled once I landed on my feet, only to stop when I heard skin meet skin. I turned my head to see Kuroko was falling to the court.

"Referee time out!"

"Kuroko!" I and a few others yelled and he looked up. I blinked in slight shock as I saw blood. I jogged up to him, to see Captain grabbing his head.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine. The game is just getting started." He said before he fell to the ground.

"Kuroko!" Captain yelled, and a moment later, we carried him of the court, and laid him on the bench.

"What are we going to do?"

"Kuroko-Kun can't play anymore. We'll have to make do with the members we have left." Coach said after banding Kuroko's head, and laying him on the floor behind the bench.

"Make do?"

"Isn't this gonna be tough without Kuroko?"

"The second years will be our offensive core. It's only the second quarter, but we can't let them get too far ahead of us. I know it's early, but it's game time, Hyūga-Kun." Coach said before she turned to look at me.

"Kise-Kun will just copy you, so don't play offense, Kagami-Kun. Focus on defending. Do everything you can to stop Kise-Kun from scoring."

"Are you sure that will work?" I asked her.

"It'll be fine. Have some faith." Captain said.


"I said it'll be fine, dumb ass. Listen to your senpais, once in a while, or I'll kill you." Captain said with a fake happy smile making me back away from him some in fear. You and Snow, would probably get along. I thought.

"First years should show more respect for your senpais! Get on your knees!" Captain said as he started walking onto the court.

"You're showing your true colors, Captain. Don't worry about him. He's always like that during clutch time. When he speaks his mind, he won't miss many of his shots. Leave the offense to him. You just defend like your life depends on it." Izuki-Senpai said and I nodded some before we walked onto the court. We lost a lot of power, and the gap was getting bigger, since we didn't have Kuroko playing with us.

"Let's go." I said in the fourth quarter, after Kuroko and I had a slight stare off.

"Yeah." he said and we went back to playing, and soon we were tied. Eighty-two, to eighty-two, until we all felt a lot of pressure. I turned to see that it was coming from Kise.

"Kuroko!" I yelled when Kise blurred past him, and avoid the back tip, we tried to do, because slamming the ball in. He's even stronger? Did he see through Kuroko? I asked myself.

"I won't lose. Not to anyone. Not even Kurokocchi." Kise said. 

"This isn't good. Give it your all, everyone. This'll be just like the first quarter from here on out. A back and forth run and gun game!" Captain said.

"Hurry up, defense!"

"Hyūga-Kun, hurry! Mitobe-Kun, post up!"


"Go, go!" 

We were soon tied again, with twenty one seconds left.

"There's no time left! Get them! If we don't take the ball hre, it's over!" Captain yelled. I went to run only to stop when Kuroko called my name.

"Kagami-Kun...If we can get the ball, there's one more thing we can do Kise-Kun can't copy. It's a simple strategy that will only work once, though." He said and told me the plan making me nod before I ran forward, blocking the other teams captain from scoring. I ran and caught the ball that Captain threw and was soon facing Kise.

"Kuroko!" I said before I passed the ball.

"Kurokocchi can't shoot! With only two of them, he'll have to pass it back to Kagami! He shot the ball?" I heard Kise ask before I jumped up towards the ball.

"I won't let you do that!" Kise yelled as he jumped behind me.

"I don't ned you to return the favor! Because...This ends now!" I yelled before I slammed the ball in, just as the whistle blew, giving us the final two points to win the game.

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