Chapter 51

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"Man, I can't believe it's summer already." I said as I stretched my arms over my head as I walked with Bokuto-San and Keiji-San to the gym. 

"Right! We've got our training camp at the beach! You are coming to that right?" Bokuto-San asked. 

"I'll be arriving a day after you all. Taiga and I have our first year anniversary, the day you guys leave." I said. 

"Oh!" Bokuto-San said. 

"Congratulations on the one year." Keiji-San said and I blushed as I smiled. 

"Thank you." I said.

"What are your plans?" Bokuto-San asked. 

"Taiga wont tell me." I said with a slight pout making Bokuto-San laugh. 

"I'm sure it's fine." he said before he opened the door to the gym. 

"Hey, hey, hey!" He yelled getting everyone's attention, as well as lower hellos back. Practice went on as normal, with only Kohona-Kun needing to wrap his finger. I packed up my stuff and waved a goodbye to everyone before heading to the station. 

"Yo, Ataru-Chan." I heard Kuroo-San say. 

"Kuroo-San. Kenma-San. How are you two?" I asked as I took my normal spot by them. 

"Same old, same old. You doing okay with the chemistry?" Kuroo-San asked and I nodded. 

"Hai. I thank you for explaining it to me, as well as making my notes easier to understand." I said as I somewhat bowed. 

"Your welcome." He said as he waved it off. The three of us talked, well. Kenma-San, only made comments here and there until I got off with another wave. I stopped by the store, and picked up a few things before heading home. I found Taiga plopped down on the couch, as much as he could. 

"Your home." He said after he groaned. 

"Hai. Stiff?" I asked. 

"Hm, yeah. Coach was pretty brutal today." He said and I shook my head some before heading to the kitchen. 

"Have you had anything to eat yet?" I asked. 


"Anything in particular, or is homemade burgers okay?" I asked. 

"Burgers sound amazing." he said and I let out a soft laugh, before I got to work, telling him about my day. 

"So, Bokuto got the Captain title, while Akaashi is the vice-Captain. I worry for you now." Taiga said. 

"It'll be fine. I'm a Captain myself, so I can give him tips, besides. I know it'll be fine." I said. 

"If you say so." Taiga said before he told me about his day. 

"I see, your still prone to have a heart attack over Kuroko-Kun then." I said. 

"Shut up." 


"I hate you." 

"No you don't." I said with a laugh, making him sigh. 

"I know, I don't." He said and I sent him a playful smirk causing him to roll his eyes. I rolled my eyes back before finishing up dinner. After we ate, he went to take a shower, while I sat on the couch flipping through the channels. I settled on Iron Chief. I was still watching it, when my phone buzzed nearly making me jump out of my skin. I sighed but grabbed it off the table to see that it was a text from Bokuto-San's mother. 

"Who's that?" I heard Taiga ask. 

"Bokuto-San's mom. She wants the recipe I did when we invited them over." I said. 

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