Chapter 49 Kagami

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I was sitting on the bench, while Snow went to the bathroom, when I felt the Coach looking at me. 

"What is Ataru, to you?" He asked me, and I turned to look at him. 

"Snow? She's my girlfriend." I said. 

"Doesn't your school not condone relationships?" 

"We don't go to the same school." I said

"Then what school do you attend?" 

"Seirin High." I said and he blinked in shock. 

"You guys just won the Winter Cup for Basketball recently." he said. 

"Hai, though in all honesty, everyone including me was beyond tired." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. 

"That's because you're weaked willed." 

"No, it was because everyone was going beyond one hundred percent, and I was-" I started to say only to watch in horror as a volleyball flew into Snow's stomach. 

"Snow!" I yelled as I ran over to her. I saw her crying as she held her stomach, that screamed pain. I gently grabbed her face, to see horror in her eyes, making me react. I carefully picked her up, before heading to the bench. 

"I'm taking her to the hospital." I muttered as I grabbed her bag.

"Your overreacting, she'll be fine as long as she takes it easy." The coach said and I glared at him. 

"Overreacting my ass. You teach, male volleyball. Females are weaker than us, but they deal with more shit than we do. We're not coming back." I said before I stormed out in a rush. It was a blur to the hospital, as I was forced to wait in the waiting room. I was bouncing my leg up and down, when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out to see that it was my mom. I sighed and shoved my phone back into my pocket, waiting unti her call, stopped. I'm not in the mood to talk, right now. I thought. I was still waiting when my phone stopped buzzing, where I finally pulled it out. 

"Why didn't you pick up?!" read my mom's text. 

"Not now, mom. It's not a good time right now." I replied back. 

"What? Why? Are you and Yukiko, fighting?" 

"No, we're not fighting." 

"oh good. I'd kill you, if you two were fighting, and that led to a break up." 

"We're not breaking up either. Also, glad to know you love her more than me." 

"I love both of you. I just happen to want her as my daughter-in-law. Are you okay, though?" 

"I. I don't know right now. Sorry mom. I gotta go." I typed before putting my phone away. I waited a little bit longer before a doctor walked up to me. 

"You here for Ataru Yukiko?" 

"Hai." I said as I stood up. 

"Follow me, please." She said and I did until he stopped by a door. 

"I'm assuming you are her boyfriend?" She asked and I nodded. 

"I'm sorry, for your lose then. That school, can spike balls close to about eighty miles per hour. I've older told her, and she's in shock. Take it easy on the subject, and her since her body will have to cope with the aftereffects of losing a child. If need be, you both can talk to a therapists." She said and I nodded numbly in understanding. 

"Go to her." She said in a soft voice before she patted my arm and walked off. I let out a deep breath before knocking and entering the room. I saw Snow sitting up on the bed, looking out the window, but I could see the tears running down her face. I walked over, and carefully sat on the bed, taking her hand in mine. 

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