Chapter 33 Kagami

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I was going through some basketball routines when I heard Coach talk. 

"You're working hard." she said making me stop and look at her. 

"Not really. I was just putting this ball away, so I thought I'd practice a little first. Actually...I've just been running on the beach by myself during this whole trip." I said. 

"What? Really?" Coach asked with what I'm assuming to be an innocent tone. 

"And the game's always over by the time I get back! Why did I even come here?" I asked myself. 

"What? You still haven't noticed? Shesh, even your own girlfriend knows." Coach said making me look at her in slight shock. 

"I'll tell you, then. Try jumping." Coach said and I let out a slight grunt before I ran and jumped, making my hand hit the glass. I landed back on my feet and turned to look at Coach once more. 

"You're tired, so that's all you can manage right now. Try jumping the other way now." She said. 

"Huh?" I said before I sighed and did it. Only this time I put to much force into my jump, because I couldn't land properly, and I toppled the hoop. 

"You idiot, you hit it too hard!" Coach yelled and I laid on the ground in shock. 

"Do you understand now? Your greatest weapon is your jumping power, but you haven't drawn out your full strength. For now, working on preparing yourself physically. After that, it's up to you." Coach said before it was silent for a few minutes. 

"Don't forget to stand the hoop back up." Coach said before she walked away and I continued to lay on the ground looking up at the sky. My jumping power...A style that utilizes that strength...There's only one answer. Aerial combat! That's the only place I stand a chance against the Generation of Miracles! I thought before I heard footsteps. I titled my head back only to see Midorima, and I grew a tick mark. I stood up and quickly fixed the hoop. 

"What do you want?" I asked him. 

"Nothing. I simply went to buy something to drink." 

"A drink? I'm surprised you can drink that during the summer." i said once I recognized the label on the can he was holding. 

"It's cold, you fool." 

"That's not what I'm talking about!" I yelled at him. 

"I have lost faith in you." 

"Where did that come from?" 

"Before losing to me, you were destroyed by Aomine." 

"I'll win next time! It won't always be that way!" I said. 

"Don't tell me you believe you can fight him in the air. Is jumping all you think about, fool?" he asked me. No, but I'd get killed for my thoughts. I thought as I hid a shiver. 

"What?" I asked him in anger. 

"Simply jumping higher will not change the results. That is only half the answer. It is not yet a weapon. Come. I will correct your simplistic thinking." he said and I looked at him in slight shock. He's not just picking a fight. Half the answer? I asked myself. 

"We'll play ten tries." he said as he tossed me the ball. 

"You're on offense, and I'm on defense. If you score even once, you win." 

"What? I don't know what you're thinking, but you really believe you can stop me ten times in a row?" If you're so sure you can stop me, let's see you do it!" 

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