Chapter 34

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"Ataru-San, it's a pleasure to have you here, with us!" Said the reporter who i would be working with said. 

"It's my pleasure. I'm glad to have been asked, Tek-San." I said with a smile that hid how tired I was already feeling. 

"Would you like something to drink?" Tak-San asked me. 

"A water, please." I said as Tak-San pulled out my chair for me. 

"Oh, thank you." I said as I sat down, and he pushed me forward some before he sat down close but not to close next to me. 

"Tell me, Ataru-San. How are you?" 

"I'm a bit tired, but the life of a model, isn't easy. How are you?" I asked him. 

"I'm doing fine. What do you know of the teams that are playing today?" He asked me. 

"I don't know much about them, but I do know that everyone is looking forward to the match between two of the Generation of Miracles, Kise Ryota and Aomine Daiki, because I know I sure am." 

"Would you challenge the Generation of Miracles?" he asked me. 

"Of course. They seem like formidable opponents that I wouldn't mind playing against, whether I lose or win." I said. 

"But don't you want to win?" he asked me.

"Winning isn't everything. It's more about having fun and making the best memories with who you play with as well as against." I said

"I see." Tak-San said before I was handed some papers. 

"Oh. What's this?" I asked. 

"Those are the stats and minor details on all the players, for the games today." 

"Oh! This will be extremely helpful!" I said before I quickly sifted through them, and sorted them into the proper teams. As the first game started, I watched and gave out my thoughts. 

"Is there anyway, I could give out these papers to the proper teams?" I asked as they cleaned the court for the game against Kise and Aomine. 

"Of course. Would you like to do that now?" Tak-San asked me and I nodded with a soft smile. 

"I will escort you now, if you wish to go now, Ataru-San." A guy said in formal clothes and I looked at him only to feel not safe. 

"It's fine. I can make it there myself, thank you for the offer though." I said as I nonchalantly signed for John's attention. 

"Ataru-Chan, may I walk you there halfway? I wish to get something to drink from the vending machines." he said and I nodded. 

"Of course you can." I said as I stood up and he walked with me. 

"I'll run his info and see what I can get on him. I don't like how he acts." John whispered when we were gone and I nodded. 

"I didn't feel safe with him looking at me like that." I whispered back, before we fell into silence and he got me to the locker room. 

"The next one, is three down, on your right." He said and I nodded before I knocked. A waited, and soon the door opened. I smiled at what I was assuming was the coach, as he stared at me in shock. 

"Hello!" I said cheery voice. 

"Holy shit!" I heard someone yell in the background, causing me to lean around and wave at everyone inside before I handed the person who had opened the door the papers I had. 

"I gave you guys some pointers, advice and a few training tips to help you guys." I said with a kind smile. 

"A-A-Arigato." He said. 

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