Chapter 38 Kagami

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I woke up to my alarm going off, as well as the smell of food. I slightly groaned but turned my alarm off before getting out of bed, and pulling on a pair of shorts. I let out a yawn, as I made my way down the hall, only to see Snow slightly dancing in one of my shirts and her underwear, as she made breakfast. 

"Even after years of hiding the fact that we love each other, I still can't get over the fact you dance every now and then, when you cook." I said making her jump. 

"Shut up, you love it." She said and I smiled. 

"Yes, I do." I said before I wrapped my arms around her waist, while I sat my chin on top of her head. 

"Can you pass me the pepper?" She asked and I hummed before I got it down for her.  

"When did you get the scar on your side?" I asked her. 

"Shortly after mom died. Liam asked me to help him and while we were practicing it started to rain. I couldn't stop in time, so it caused me to slip and I slide across the pavement. Liam, then help me get back to the apartment, where Alex helped me clean it. Why you have a problem with it?" She asked me. 

"God no. It's sexy." I said as I tightened my hold on her, causing her to smile and relax into my arms. 

For the next week, Snow helped us train on and off, before we all went out to eat.

"You guys don't have to look so sad, about me leaving." She said as she sat her chopsticks down.

"We know, but we don't know if we'll ever see you again." They said making her start laughing.

"Will you breath." I stated with a sigh.

"Sorry, it's just funny. I never did mention it to them. I should be back in a month, to join Seirin if everything goes well on my end." 

"Really?" Everyone asked making her nod. 


"You knew?!" They all asked and I looked at them. 

"Yes. Besides, you never asked." I said before I shoved some more food into my mouth. 

"Is food all you think about?" Snow asked and I gave her a look. 

"Do you want me to answer that question?" I asked her, causing her to blink before she slowly started to blush. 

"Baka!" She yelled as she pushed my backwards by my face, causing me to gall. 

"Really? Shoving me to the floor is your answer?" I asked her. 

"Would you rather it be the basketball in my bag?" 

"Point taken." I said as I stood up and fixed my chair. After we all ate, and sat our money down we all went our own way. 

"What did you mean, when you said 'Do you want me to answer that?'" She asked me. 

"Exactly what I meant. Food and basketball aren't the only things I think of. I think about you a lot. Before you came here, I was always wondering how you were doing, emotionally as well as physically. Most importantly. If you hated me, for leaving you behind." I said and she hitched her breath before she stopped, grabbing my hand in the process. 

"I could never hate you. Upset? Yes, but I could and never will hate you. I've been in love with you for years, even after the orange hair dye." She said. 

"Could you not mention that?" I asked her causing her to giggle. 

"Come on. Let's go home." She said in a soft voice, and I couldn't help but smile. We were both sitting down on my couch, watching a movie when she climbed into my lap. 

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