Chapter 23 Kagami

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I couldn't help but cheer some, as Kuroko helped the senpai's get two baskets.

Kise POV

"As their name suggests, old martial arts techniques are ancient. Their thought process is completely different from modern sports science. Applying those specialized movements to basketball is Seiho's strength, but...if you're specialized, you've got habits. For example, normally, people will step towards the direction they're heading as they start to move. Seiho's players point their toes in the direction they're heading before they even more." Senpai said.

Kagami POV

"This is the senpai's will..." I said only to be shocked when Kuroko passed the ball once more. Now that I think about it, this is the first time I've watched Kuroko from the bench. I thought as I continued to watch the game. 

"Amazing..." I said. 

"You just noticed? he's always like this!" Coach said with a shit eating grin, and I grimaced some.

"All court man-to-man?" Coach said. Seiho pressed harder and I stood up some. 

"Kuroko!" I yelled and he missed the ball, before he hit the ball to Captain. I watched as Captain shot the ball, and the ball went in before the time went out. A second later the whistle blew, letting us know that the game was over, and that we won. 


"Game over!" 

We all listened to Tsugawa's rant before he was stopped. 

"Looks like they're finished, too." I said. 

"You're right." Kuroko said as we both turned to look at Shutoku who had just won their game. We all went to the locker room. I pulled on my jacket and sweats before sending Snow a quick text letting her know that we won our first game, before leaning against the lockers, shutting my eyes. 

"Kagami-Kun, it's time." I heard Kuroko say making me open my eyes. 

"Let's go!" I said as I stood up. 

"Hai." Kuroko said and we went to the court.

"I'm beat. I've been feeling melancholy since this morning. We've got two games in a row, both against Kings. And even while playing Seiho, all I could think about was playing another game after we beat them." Captain said as we all circled around. 

"But there's only one game left. We don't have to worry about bothersome crap like the next game or reserving our energy. We can focus on the one thing we have to do! Give everything we have until we can't give any more!" Captain yelled. 

"Yeah!" We all yelled back before we were called to line up. 

"Let the preliminar A block championship game between Seirin High school and Shutoky High school begin!" 

"Thank you!" 

"Huh? Is Kuroko the only one you need to talk to? What about Kagami?" 

"There is no need. There is no reason for me to talk to someone who played such a pathetic game. If you have anything to say, you can show it to me with your play."

"Right back at you. Just thinking about it makes me mad at myself. I've got tons of pent up frustration, so let's do this already. I turned it all into a fight, and I've been saving it for you. I can't hold it in any longer." I said with a scary grin. 

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