Chapter 52

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I yawned and stretched as I walked off the train, before I pulled out my phone. I looked at the address and followed my map that would lead me to a simple house, that was actually fairly close to a house Akashi wished for me to stay in, while I was down here. I knocked on the door, and waited. 

"You got here fast." Iwaizumi said as he opened the door, before he allowed me in. I slipped out of my shoes, with a soft sorry for the intrusion before slipping on my slippers. 

"How's his knee?" I asked. 

"Still having to wear the bracer." he said and I nodded before he showed me to the living room where Oikawa was at, pouting. 

"Domo." I said. 

"You didn't have to call Ata-Chan, Iwa-Chan!" He said and I rolled my eyes at him, before I activated my eye, seeing red around his knee and slight red from his ankle. 

"It's just a slight sprain in the ankle. Nothing that wrapping, icing and not not playing for a couple days won't fix. It'll give your knee time to unstress as well." I said before I tossed an ace bandage to Iwaizumi. 

"Since I'm here, and my next train back to Tokyo is in a couple days, I'll be training you guys. So, I'll start with you." I said and he nodded before I talked him through it. When he stopped, I nodded. 

"Nice job, Iwaizumi-San." I said before I dug through my bag, and grabbed my clipboard. I filled out my paperwork before lowering it. 

"Has he been doing his knee exercises?" I asked. 

"Not all the time." Iwaizumi-San said. 

"You could have asked me!" Oikawa said and I raised an eyebrow. 

"Your answered would have been a puff of air, as you turn your head." I said in a bored voice, making him twitch while Iwaizumi-San kinda laughed. I asked a few more necessary questions before I put my clipboard away. 

"Ne, how is Taiga-Chan?" Oikawa asked. 

"Taiga? He's good. He's heading to America, right now, actually." I said as I rearranged the inside of my medical bag. 

"Huh? Why? Did something happen?" Oikawa asked and I stopped what I was doing. 

"He's been scouted, for the NBA. So, I convinced him to go, since he won't get another chance like this again." I said with a soft smile. 

"But that means your here by yourself." Iwaizumi said. 

"I can't leave Tokyo until I've trained at least one person per team. Each training camp, I've gone to is quite handy because I can pull out two people per team. I know in the end, I will still have two zeros, though." I said with a soft sigh. 

"Huh? Two zeros? Why?" Iwaizumi asked me. 

"There's two schools I refuse to go to. Kirisaki Daīchi Kōkō, I've watched each team practice, and each team find a way to hurt the other teams players, without being caught. The basketball team, alone is the reason a good friend of mine, can't play basketball anymore. I refuse to go there, out of fear for my own safety." I said. 

"I don't blame you, for not wanting to risk your health." Oikawa said.

"What's the second school?" Iwaizumi asked. 

"Shiratorizawa Gakuen." I said with enough venom in my voice that they both noticed and asked a silent question on why. 

"I'm sorry, but in my opinion, to many people know, and it still hurts to talk about it." I said in a soft voice, as I resisted the urge to place my hand on my stomach. They seemed to understand because they didn't pressure me into answering them. I looked at the time, to see that it was getting pretty late. 

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