Chapter 11 Himuro

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I was trying to relax on my couch when my phone rang. 

"Muro-Chin, your phone." Atsushi said and I sighed before I got up to answer it. I looked at the caller I.D. to see that it was Yukiko. I answered her call and pressed my phone to my ear, only to hear what sounded like heavy breathing. Like a panic attack. I thought. 

"Oi, Yuki. What's wrong?" I asked her, only to hear her give out a panicky answer. 

"I'm going to need you to calm down. You're not making that much sense." I said before I could slowly hear her calm down. 

"Okay, not that you are calm, tell me what's going on." I said. 

"Remember that guy that I told you that got handsy?" she asked. 

"Ya. You went public with what he did. What about him?" I asked her. 

"He. He." She started to stutter out only to stop to control her breathing once more. 

"Did he hurt you?" I asked her. 

"He almost did." She finally said after about two minutes. 

"Who was there to stop him? More specifically, what exactly happened?" I asked her. 

"I was leaving school, fixing to go to work ,when he just came out of nowhere. He just started screaming at me, and when I tried to ask him to calm down. So we could at least talk about it in a more civilized manner, he snapped and tried to slap me. Luckily, an off duty police officer stepped in and grabbed his hand. That's when it got more violent, verbally and physically, to the point that the off duty cop had to call it in, so he could get arrested. I'm currently at the basketball court, where the four of us would play. I haven't been that scared since that haunted house. What, am I supposed to do, Tatsuya?" She asked me in a scared, broken voice making me tighten my hold on my phone so I wouldn't punch something. 

"Muro-Chin, do you have anymore chips?" Atsushi asked me. 

"In the pantry. Second shelf." I said and I heard him get up and walk away. 

"Can you get one of your teammates to walk home or to walk you to work?" I asked her. 

"Everyone has their own after school activities, plus Alex is a coach, so she's busy." She said and I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. 

"Why don't you ask. What was her name, Shelby?" I asked. 


"Why don't you ask Shelby, o start providing you with a ride to and from your job? Also, I recommend you start taking self-defense classes. I'd rather not get a call, from Alex or someone else, saying that you're hurt or worse. I don't want to lose someone who I consider my little sister, to someone like that." I said. 

"Okay. I'll ask Shelby for the rise. Also, I'll ask her to recommend me something for self defense too." She said. 

"You better. Lord knows, what Taiga, Alex or I will be like without you. And I'm sure, I can hear both your parents yelling and cursing at everyone for not protecting you." I said and she finally let out a small laugh. 

"Besides, what just happened, and you going to Paris soon. Is there anything else, exciting going to happen?" I asked her. 

"I'll be going to New York, London, Milan, Taiwan, Philippines, and a couple more countries over the span of one month during the summer. With a possible three day layover in Japan, on the way back, home." She said. 

"Well, you're certainly going to be busy. Don't overwork yourself." 

"I won't I promise." She said. 

"While, I got you on the phone. Can I have a copy of your chocolate cake recipe?" I asked her. 

"Chocolate cake?" I heard Atsushi ask.

"You can pry my recipe from my cold, dead hands!" Yukiko yelled making me hold my phone away from my ear. 

"I was looking forward to that, though." Atsushi pouted out. 

"Tell your friend, if there is a lay over in Japan during the summer then, I will personally make him my special chocolate cake." 

"Atsushi, my friend said that is there is a lay over in Japan during summer then, she will personally make you her special chocolate cake." I said and he nodded. 

"M'kay." He said before he went back to eating his chips. 

"Thank you, Tatsuya." 

"Any time. By the way, how come you didn't call Taiga?" I asked her. 

"I tried, before I remembered he's at practice. And we both know that, Alex doesn't keep her phone on her when she's coaching the little ones on how to play." She said. 

"Alright. Just promise me, you won't forget to tell him, and don't forget to bring up those two things I told you about." I said. 

"I'm going to bring them up as soon as I get to work. I miss you, Tatsuya." 

"Miss you too, Yuki." I said before she hung up. Once she did, I sat my phone down and tried to hide my annoyance only to fail. 

"I'm going to shoot some hoops, Atsushi." I said only to receive a grunt in response as I grabbed my ball and left. 

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