Chapter 45

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"Oh, ya. What happened to your hand?" Komi-Kun asked and I glanced at my bandaged hand. 

"I broke a clipboard." 

"I'm sorry. You broke a what?" Shirofuku-Chan asked me. 

"I broke a clipboard. I was on the phone with Taiga, and he told me something about our Master that made me mad, so the clipboard broke. I made sure there were no splinters left, before I cleaned it." I said. 

"You need to be more careful." Shirofuku-Chan said with a sigh. 

"I'll be fine." I said before everyone got back to work. 

It was close for the game to start, when I was fixing to leave, only to be pulled back by my collar. 

"No ma'am. We told you, you weren't allowed to walk by yourself anymore!" Komi-Kun said and I held in a groan. 

"Are you planning on going straight to the game?" Komi-Kun asked and I shook my head. 

"No. I was going to go to my apartment, and change before heading to the game." I said. 

"You can wait ten minutes then." Shirofuku-Chan said as I was escorted back to the bench.

"You do realize, I'm very capable of running past all of you, without any trouble right?" I asked them. 

"You do that and I have a secret if yours to spill." Shirofuku-Chan said and I raised my eyebrow at her causing her to lean in. 

"The day of the practice game. I knew you were lying about why your face was red. I saw the messages when you went back on your phone. Sex hair, and him making you beg." She whispered so low that I barely heard her, but when I registered what she said I turned such a bright shade of red, I swore I felt steam leave my head, making her smirk, forcing me to cover my face out of embarrassment. I was soon allowed to leave but I was walking with Bokuto-San and Keiji-San. 

"Ne, what did Shirofuku-Chan, say to you that caused your face to turn red, Ataru-Chan?" Bokuto-San asked me and I nearly choked on my tongue, while Keiji-San told Bokuto-San that was rude. 

"I'm just going to chalk it up to girl talk." I managed to say, making Bokuto-San give me a weird look but he seemed happy with my answer. When we arrived at my apartment they said they would wait for me outside. I quickly changed into my jersey I had made to support Taiga, before spraying myself with some perfume. I fixed my hair and makeup once more before slipping back into my shoes, and went back to the boys. As we walked, I heard familar yelling causing me to stop and look around, before I spotted Taiga. I smiled and took off, hearing Bokuto-San yell behind me. I silently giggled, before I jumped onto Taiga's back. 

"Hi!" I said once he stopped stumbling, as he put his hands to my legs. 

"You're going to kill me one of these days, Snow." He said but I saw the amused glint in his eyes. 

"No I won't." I said before I kissed his cheek, as Bokuto-San and Keiji-San jogged up. 

"Ataru-Chan, you can't just take off like that!" Bokuto-San whined. 

"Gomen, Bokuto-San, Keiji-San." I said before I jumped off of Taiga's back. 

"Taiga, these are two of my friends on the volleyball team." I said. 

"Nice to meet you, Snow talks about you guys a lot." Taiga siad. 

"You must be her boyfriend. Uh. Kagami Taiga, right?" Bokuto-San asked.


"Ah! Ataru-Chan mentions you a lot! Also, I'm Bokuto Kōtarō. Nice to meet you Kagam-Kun!" Bokuto-San all but yelled. 

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