Chapter 8 Kagami

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"All right!" I yelled once I landed back on my feet.

"I can't believe we won." Captain said as he and a couple other senpais, sent me a thumbs up. We soon lined up.

"With a score of one hundred to ninty-eight, Seirin High wins."

"Thank you very much." We all said as we bowed. We soon walked off the court, and were soon standing outside ready to leave, before the Captains shook hands, and Coach was glowing.

"Because we're in different districts, if we play again it'll be at Inter-High."

"We'll be there. I don't want to confess my love butt naked." Captain said making Coach glow a bit brighter. That's why, I'm glad Snow, isn't here. I thought with a bored look.

"Let's go!"

"Yes, sir!" We all said before we started walking. We stopped at the hospital, and waited for Kuroko and Coach to come back out.

"Everything's okay." Coach said and we all let out a sigh of relief.

"That's great."

"Sorry for making you worry."

"I didn't know what would happen when you fell over."

"I'm just glad you're all right."

"All right! We won!"

"Let's get something to eat on the way home."

"What do you want?"

"Something cheap. I'm broke."

"Me too." I said.

"So am I."

"Hold on." Coach said making us all stop and turn to look at her.

"How much does everyone have after transportation costs?" She asked as we all pulled it out only to be disappointed.

"Let's go home."

"Yeah." We all murmured before we started walking at a slow and dejected pace, until Coach blew her whistle making us stop.

"It's okay. What do you say we go for steak?" She asked confusing us before we got to the restaurant.

"What's wrong? Don't hold back." Coach said as we all looked at the stakes.

"Kuroko!" I heard everyone yell but I didn't pay it any mind, as I kept stuffing my face.

"This is delicious! Maybe I'll get some more." I said before I looked at Captain.

"Huh? If you're not gonna eat that, can I have it?" I asked, and soon I was given his plate, where I kept eating.

"Save me the hassle and bring them all over here." I said after I ate like six plates.

"Kagami, thank you!" Everyone said before they all handed me their plates.

"Thanks for the food!"

"Yeah, don't come back!"

"I think I ate too much." I said as I walked out, rubbing my stomach.

"You really are a monster."

"But you saved us."

"Okay, let' go home. Is everyone here?" Coach asked.

"Where's Kuroko?" Captain asked.

"I'm sure he's near the back, just like he always..." We all turned to look to see no one.

"He's not there."

"I can't believe no one noticed him leave. I know he's got no presence, but this is ridiculous." Coach said as we walked to look for him.

"Doesn't Kuroko have a phone?"

"Sheesh." I said softly as I looked for him.

"Hey, over here! Pass me the ball!" I heard some people say making me stop and look.

Street ball. It's been a while since I've seen that in Japan. I thought. I need to see is, Snow got a new player for her team. I thought before I spotted Kuroko. That's. I thought before I started walking.

"I can say one thing, though. If you think so highly of Kagami because of his attitude towards basketball, some day the two of you will part ways." Kise said and I reacted some.

"The biggest difference between me and the other four isn't our physical abilities. They all have a special ability not even I can imitate. I realized during today's game that he's still learning. Just like the Generation of Miracles, he has a unique ability. For now, he's still an immature challenger. He's enjoying the thrill of recklessly playing strong opponents. However, someday he will achieve the level of the Generation of Miracles and grow apart from his team. When he does, do you really believe Kagami won't be a different person?" Kise asked and I walked forward, and hit Kuroko some.

"You bastard, why'd you disappear like that?" I asked as he nearly fell before I turned to look at Kise.

"Yo." I said.

"Were you listening?" He asked.

"I sure as hell was. What the hell are you kidnapping Kuroko for?" I asked him.

"What? Who cares f I talk with him a little bit?"

"We can't go home. The coach won't shut up about responsibility or something. We've been looking for him." I said before I heard yelling at the other court making me look.

"Who are those thugs?" I asked. Five on three. I thought.

"What the hell is he doing?"


"Mind if we play, too?" Kise asked when we walked over. I sat my hand on Kuroko's head.

"Why'd you get involved, bastard?" I asked him, annoyed.

"Five-on-three's fine. Bring it on. Then again, I know someone who can take on a whole team, nearly by themselves, and almost triple their score." I said.

"What'd you say?" One asked, before we started playing.

When the game was over, it was the three of us sweating, while the other five were pretty much dead, as they laid on the court.

"What were you thinking? Did you think you could win if it turned into a fight?" I asked Kuroko once we all walked away.

"No, they would have beaten me up." he said.

"You bastard!"

"Look at these guns."

"You don't have any!" I yelled as I raised my fist at him.

"Kurokocchi, you can be amazing sometimes."

"I thought those guys were terrible. I just wanted to tell them." Kuroko said.

"You should've considered the consequences first!" I snapped.

"I forgot to."

"Don't give me that crap!" I told him.

"I'm sorry."

"You said yourself they could beat you up!"


"I should get going. I finally got to play with you, Kurokocchi. And don't think I've forgotten about my revenge, Kagamicchi!" Kise said.

"'Kagamicchi'?!" I asked.

"Kise-Kun adds '-cchi' to the names of those he acknowledges. That's great for you." Kuroko said.

"I don't want that!"

"Don't lose in the preliminaries!" Kise yelled before he was gone.

"Kagami-Kun, I'd like to ask you something. Did you hear my conversation with Kise?" He asked me.

"About us parting ways? We don't even get along in the first place. You're the one who said I couldn't do it alone. If you're right, there's nothing to worry about. Besides...You'll always stand by the light. That's your basketball." I said and he just gave me a look.

"Kagami-Kun, you say some deep things sometimes."

"Shut up!" I yelled before we both left.

"There you are! Sheesh!" Coach yelled. I watched as Kuroko got tackled to the ground, before she got him in some weird hold.

"Let's go home." Captain said as we all walked  around Kuroko and Coach.

"Kagami-Kun..." I heard Kuroko say, making me stop and look at him. Nope. I thought before I turned back around and went back to walking.

"Save...Save me..." he weakly said but I chose to ignore him. We were still walking, when my phone buzzed making the senpais look at me slightly, before I pulled out my phone. I saw that it was a picture of Snow, in a dress.

"I'm going to Paris soon, to be in a fashion show, and they sent me this dress to try on. It's going to be the one, I'l be wearing when I walk out." She wrote and I blinked in shock, and prayed I wasn't blushing.

"Oi, Kagami. You okay?" Captain asked me, snapping my attention back to him.

"Huh? Oh, ya. I'm fine." I said.

"You were staring at your phone for almost five minutes. Are you sure, your fine?" He asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said.

"If you say so." Captain said and I texted Snow back, before putting my phone away.

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