Chapter 36

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"Is it, uh, Himuro? Kagami's friend?" Kiyoshi asked.

"Oh, I can speak Japanese. I just lived there so long, I'm still not used to it."

"Good, that'll help."

"I've lived there longer, and I've adjusted just fine!" I all but yelled, only to get ignored. 

"We're not friends. I guess you could call me their brother." Tatsu said leaving everyone in shock and I sighed.

"You still had the damn fringe." I muttered.

"Leave my hair out of this." Tatsu said as he poked my cheek, forcing me to swat his hand away with a pout while Taiga gave a short summary about our past.

"What would you two do without me?" I asked them.

"Who knows." I heard Furihata mutter making me crack a smile.

"I was disappointed then, but I came back to Japan, and now I attend Yosen High. I thought we'd meet eventually...Let's fulfill that promise today." Tatsu said and I gritted my teeth as I scowled.



"I...You..." Taiga said only for Kuroko-Kun lift Nigou up to punch Taiga. I let out giggles, before I pulled out my phone.

"Oh, this is going to my collection!" I said as I took a picture, only for Taiga to glare at me.

"Ow! Nigou! You brought him?!"

"I don't like it when you're indecisive."


"I think I understand the situation. In any case...I think it's your fault for going easy on him."

"I...If I had won..."

"You wouldn't be able to call Himuro-San your brother, and winning when he was off his game probably isn't what you wanted. But no one wants their opponent to go easy on them in the game they love. Besides, even if you're not brothers, it's not as though you would change." Kuroko-Kun said. 

"You're right. I like basketball because I enjoy facing strong players. Even if Tatsuya's my opponent. Thanks, Kuroko. I've made up my mind! If we go head to head, I'll play as hard as I can, no matter what, Tatsuya!" Taiga said as he clutched onto his necklace making my hand go to mine. 

"Sure. I look forward to playing you today." Tatsu said and I sighed. 

"It's both their faults, really. One for Tatsu, injuring himself!" I said as I grabbed Tatsu's shirt, pulling him closer.

"Two, Taiga going easy on him." I said as I grabbed Taiga's shirt.

"Three, making that stupid promise to each other!" I said as I started to grin menacingly.

"And finally, leaving me one week apart, from each other!" I said with my full scary grin formed, causing the both of them to bow deeply. 

"That's a funny sight. Two people over six feet tall, bowing down to someone barely past five feet." I heard someone say making me twitch slightly before I sighed. 

"First order of business. There hasn't been a good photo of the three of us, in what three, four years? I think it's time for a new one." I said. 

"Fine." I heard them both mutter before I looked at Kiyoshi. 

"Kiyoshi-San, can you take our picture?" I asked him. 

"Hai." He said with a pleasant smile as he took my phone. Once I walked back to them, I poked their cheeks. 

"Smile, this is going to sensei!" I said, and I saw them roll their eyes before they both smiled softly, while I beamed happily at the camera. 

"Arigato, Kiyoshi-San." I said as he handed me back my phone. 

"Also. By the way...Gomen, who are you?" Tatsu asked Kuroko-Kun making me giggle. 

"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya. Nice to meet you." 

"So, you're...You've found an interesting partner, Taiga." 

"Hey, Tatsuya! You know about Kuroko?!" 

"Yea, a little. There's actually an interesting guy on my team, too." Tatsu said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Oh, Tatsu." I said making him look at me. 

"Two things. Congratulations on third place. Secondly, I left gifts for you and him in your bag" I said. 

"Oh. Is it that?" He asked. 

"Hai, so please be careful." I said and he nodded before he started walking away before he stopped. 

"Oh, and Taiga. You break her heart, or do anything she would be devastated over. I will hurt you." Tatsu said before he finally walked away. 

"I'm not that stupid, to break her heart. I'd rather rip mine out." Taiga muttered making me sigh. 

"I know you won't! You've always been loyal. Then again, you're parents had a hand in that. Oh ya, I've been meaning to talk to your mother. I'll call her later." I said with a shrug before I turned around with a bright smile. 

"Who's ready for the next round?!" I asked loudly making everyone scream. 

"Alright. Next teams, please step onto the court!" I yelled as I shooed everyone else off the court. 

"The final two remaining teams in this tournament are high school teams! Who will win?!" the announcer asked as Seirin, and Tatsu and his team lined up. A moment later, I was handed the mic.

"Alright, for those of you just joining, my name is Ataru Yukiko, and I will be giving out the rules for today's streetball games." I said before I listed them in a short but easy to understand manner before I smiled and handed the mic back to the announcer. 

"It's the tip off!" The announcer said only for me to see purple hair and stand up. 

"Murasakibara-Kun!" I said only for him to not hear me, as well as he knocked the ball into his hand. I sighed and sat back down after the whole drama was settled as they added Murasakibara-Kun into the game. I couldn't help but smile as they played nly to start pouting slightly when it started to rain. 

"Mou! It was just getting good, too!" I said as I walked out from the tent to look up t the sky. 

"Goodbye, Ata-Chin." Murasakibara-Kun said as he patted my head gently. 

"Goodbye, Murasakibara-Kun. Enjoy your gift." I said as he walked away 

"Ataru-San, you're going to get sick!" I heard the announcer said and I waved it off. 

"If I do, I do. Let me enjoy the rain! It hardly ever rains in my area of America." I said as I stood there a few minutes long, before I felt something hit my face. 

"Will you cover yourself! I don't need you getting sick!" Taiga yelled as I removed what I now knew was a jacket. 

"Love you, too." I said but still put the jacket on, and a moment later I was covered with an umbrella. 

"Ataru-San, it's time to go." I heard John say making me sigh. 

"Okay." I said before I turned to look at Taiga.

"I'll be home later." I said and he nodded. 

"Okay. Take care of her, please."

"Of course." John said before Taiga barely leaned down and kissed my forehead. 

"Please don't get sick." he said before he ran off with everyone else, while I stood there with a goofy smile on my face, as I put a hand to my forehead. 

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