Chapter 56

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Over the course of several days, I could see the changes in everyone around me after my speech. I was sitting in my class reading over a friends English homework, when I heard my name being yelled loudly before the door was slid open. 

"What can I help you with, Bokuto-San? Also, please stop yelling inside the school hallways." I said without looking up. 

"Mou, Ataru-Chan!" He said and I let out a soft sigh as I finished going over my friends English. 

"Bokuto-San, if you would please wait in the hallway, I'll be out there in a moment." 

"'Kay!" He said and I quickly explained to my friend what they did wrong as well as suggest what they could do to make it better, before I stood up and walked out of the classroom. 

"What did you wish to tell me, Bokuto-San?" I asked him. 

"I've been thinking." he said in a soft voice and I titled my head to the side. 

"About what? Are they doing that, again?" I asked. 

"Iie. I've been thinking about what you said in your speech. I want to tell them."

"Them as in the team, or your family?" I asked in a soft voice. 

"My family."

"Okay. Before you do, I want you to have a bag packed that will stay at my place as precautionary measure if it goes horrible. Also, I'll be there with you when you tell them."

"I don't think you'll be there will be necessary."

"You're not stopping me. Besides, over the years I've come to notice that if it's not just family they won't act as violent."

"Oh. I didn't think about it like that." 

"Do you want a retort?" I asked. 

"Rude!" He said in a loud voice and I let out a laugh.

"Bokuto-San, Yukiko-San. What are you two talking about?" We both heard Keiji-San ask.

"Nothing major. How is your day so far?" I asked.

"My day has been decent." He said and I just gave him a deadpanned expression before I slightly smiled. 

"Well, I don't know about you two but I want to finish my homework before I leave for work." I said as I pushed some hair away. 

"Oh, ya. You never did say where your next photo shoot was!" Bokuto all but yelled.

"Miyagi. I've already got a place to stay overnight, thanks to the other Akashi. Plus, there's something I've been meaning to check." I said.

"At least you have the housing for your stay there."

"Hm. I'll be back for the combined training with Nekoma and Karasuno." I siad. 

"Don't rush yourself. Especially since you've had to start taking it easy with your previous injury deciding to act up." Keiji-San said. 

"Hai, hai." I said before I waved at them and walked back into my classroom. At the end of the day, I walked off campus to see John, standing outside his car while his husband was inside. I gave John a hug before I slid into the backseat. 

"Nice to see you again, William." I said with a smile. 

"You as well, Ataru. How are you?"

"I'm doing good. How about you?"

"I'm doing excellent." He said and we all had a pleasant conversation until we pulled up to the set in Miyagi. I looked around to see that I was fairly close to Aoba Johsai. I know where I'll be going later. I thought as we did some dusk-twilight shots before we called it a night. After doing the rest of the shots, I waved my goodbye to everyone before I started walking to the school. I walked into the gym, and watched Oikawa and the rest practice before I decided to let my presence known. 

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