Chapter 47 Bokuto

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When, Ataru-Chan finally let go of the railing, I stared at the railing in shock before looking at Akaashi.

"What is it, Bokuto-San?" He asked me. 

"She dented the railing." 

"What?" Everyone asked before they all took turns looking. 

"That takes a lot of strength to dent metal railings." Komi-Kun said before we all just stared at Ataru-Chan in shock. I turned my attention back to the game only see Rakuzan had scored once again. 

"Black team player substitution." I heard, before seeing a shaking player step onto the court. 

"What are they thinking?!" I said in a loud voice. 

"Just calm down and watch." I heard Ataru-Chan say in a different voice, making me swallow heavily, but I did. Oh. He's the supporting player, from last night. I thought as I saw him play like last night. After a few more plays, Rakuzan called a time out. 

"The time out is now over." I heard. 

"So that's what they are doing. A shooting guard throwdown." I heard Ataru-Chan say a few moments later. I was going to ask her what she meant, only to watch as both teams started to get three point shots. 

"I should ask, what shampoo and conditioner he uses. It's shiny." I heard Ataru-Chan say, and I sweat dropped some. 

"I don't think that's part of the basketball game, Ataru-Can." I said. 

"I know that. Wait! He's doing a void shot." She said. 

"Void shot?" I asked. 

"Hm. It looks like an ordinary jump, but when your opponent tries to jump with you, their knees lock, causing them to not move." She said. 

"Oh. Can't it hurt, though?" I asked. 

"It can, if you force yourself, or if you do it wrong. Just depends on said person." She said with a shrug. 

"Oh." I said before I turned back to the game. 

"He faked a Heaven shot, to go into Earth, making it seem like Hyuga-San had hit him, causing a foul. One free throw, since the basket will count." Ataru-Chan muttered. 

"That's a four point play. Right?" i asked. 

"Hai. You've gotten a better understand, Bokuto-San." She said. 

"Thanks!" I said with a smile, and I saw her smile softly back before turning her attention back to the court. 

"As of now. Mibuchi-San is the better shooter. Leaving Kiyoshi-San to be the better Center. Kuroko-Kun needs to continue observing Mayuzumi-San, to figure out how to out play him, as well as to find a way to get rid of his Misdirection. I wonder. Could he overwrite, the misdirection? If he does then, then it won't be until the last quarter before he could enter the game once again." I heard her say. 

"Yukiko-San. You're rambling." Akaashi said causing her to stop. 

"Sorry, I'm just seeing how many steps, I can outthink, Akashi Seijuro. Basketball Goddess, versus an Emperor, who plays like shogi." She said. 

"The Centers are very loud." Komi-Kun said. 

"Hm, yes they are." Ataru-Chan said as I heard Rakuzan's Center belt out Muscle Dunk. 

"Damn it. Hyuga and Kiyoshi have been beaten. Plus, Hyuga-San's gotten a penalty. Switch out the first year. Damn it. Wakamatsu-San! You are to loud, if I can hear you from here!" Ataru-Chan yelled, as she looked to the right. I turned to see a blonde hair had jumped in fright, while two people started laughing at him. 

"He can jump that high?!" I said when Akashi dunked. 

"What a jump! He can reach the hoop?" Someone said. 

"That's rude to hear, Tatsu! I mean, I'm shorter than him, and I can dunk." She said. 

"Yuki, I've known you for years, your dunks are no longer shocking to me. To everyone else maybe, but not me. Akashi just seemed to be a player who wouldn't dunk, that's all." The now named Tatsu said before the game started once more, until the second quarter ended with Rakuzan in he lead. 

"They can't win, no more." I heard several people say and I looked at Ataru-Chan who had her head down. I looked at her in shock. She's giving up? I asked myself before she lifted up her head and I nearly fell over from the look in her eyes. 

"Does anyone have any paper and a pen?" She asked. 

"I do." Shirofuku-Chan said and we all watched as Ataru-Chan started to write down a lot of information quickly. 

"The third quarter will now begin!" the announcer said, after ten minutes, but Ataru-Chan was still writing. 

"Are you writing a book?" I asked. 

"Not quite. Old player, new possible plays. Player numbers. Old injuries, that have happened. All sorts of stuff, that would be confusing. Damn it, Hyuga. That's your third one!" She said without looking away from the clipboard. 

"Wait. HE didn't hit him. Damn it, now you got four!" She said in a loud voice, as she finally looked up, but I noticed something flashing around her eyes. I blinked, but saw sparks flying out of her eyes. 

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Bokuto-San!" Akaashi said. 

"Yell at me later. Ataru-Chan. What is with the sparks around your eyes?" I asked her. 

"This is my Zone. Unlike the Generation of Miracles. I can enter at anytime I wish. With my Zone, I can see every play, I can see your player numbers, I'm much faster, and stronger. The last time I played with the full access of my Zone, was what got me the attention to become a model. The after affect of the Zone is that I'm dead tired." She said before she turned. 

"I need to be walked down." She said and I nodded before Akaashi and I walked her down. We stayed in the tunnels, but we stayed behind while she ran on ahead. 

"Bokuto-San, you are oddly quiet. Are you okay?" Akaashi asked me. 

"Hai. I'm just a bit unnerved actually. I know she's really passionate about Basketball, but with how she talks and with how she was writing down all that information, and that eye. It was almost like she was a literal Goddess. I wanted to buckle from the aura she was letting off." I said. 

"I know what you mean. Even without her aura, or the eye, she already carries herself with extreme confidence, with some pride mixed in. She's smart, and calculated. I know we weren't here the night she got attacked, but I'm sure if she had known it was coming, she wouldn't have been touched. In practice, I've noticed that she's been able to avoid all the balls that end up going off track. If she hasn't been able to avoid it, she's been able to hit it away, or just catch it. She knows her surroundings well. She's also very observant. She can eat, as well as study and keep up a conversation with someone, while keeping her food away from you without truly looking. She's pointed out many of our weaknesses, all the while still learning about Volleyball itself. Now add in her eye, it makes the air around her much thicker, and it makes me want to buckle as well. She does live up to her title, no matter how much she hates it, because I know one thing for sure. I would hate to be an opponent with her around." Akaashi said and I blinked at him in shock. 

"I think that's the most I've heard you say in a short amount of time." I said. 

"Don't get used to it, Bokuto-San." He said before he turned to watched the court, to see that Seirin had just called a time out. 

"What lucky timing." I said and heard Akaashi's grunt in agreement.  

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