Chapter 29

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"Okay, everything is packed up and ready for you?" Alex asked and I nodded. 

"Alright. Text me when you land safety in New York, otherwise, I will have a manhunt." she said and I smiled softly at her. 

"I will. Don't go overboard, with your team." I said. 

"I won't force them to keep going until they can't feel their legs." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"You only did that because Taiga was pissing you off." I said as I put my bag on my shoulder. 

"True." She said as we left my room. She walked me outside the apartment complex before she nodded at Shelby. 

"I meant what I said. Also, tell him when you see him. I'm tired of seeing you two dance around your feelings!" She said and I blushed heavily.

"I will." I said in a soft voice making her click her tongue before she pulled me into a hug. 

"I love you. Have a safe flight, and please let me know when you arrive safely. I don't want to lose you." She said and I smiled sadly in the hug. 

"Don't worry. You're not going to lose me." I said as I hugged her back. 

"I love you too, Alex." I said and she finally let me go.

"Alright. I want pictures, some videos of you having a good time, pictures of Taiga and you. Tatsuya and you. Bring me back a couple souvenirs too." She said and I nodded with a giant smile. 

"You'll get them." I said and she crossed her arms. 

"I better." She said and I laughed some before getting in the car with Shelby. Alex waved as Shelby drove off. 

"You ready for New York?" she asked. 

"As I can be." I said .

"You're just ready for Japan." She said and I blushed. 

"I get to see them again." I said softly. 


"That to." I said with an even darker blush. 

"Make sure it happens. Alex isn't the only one who's tired of seeing you two dance around your feelings, and I've never even met the guy." She said and I blushed even more, making her laugh before we lapsed into comfortable silence until she pulled up to the airport. 

"Alright. You said you wanted a commerical flight to New York, so I got it for you. Here is your ticket. Make sure you get your bags checked in." she said as she handed me my tickets. 

"You have a private jet picking you up from the New York airport, and flying you to Paris. I'll also be there, so I will have your passport." She said and I nodded. 

"Alright. I'll give you more information after Pairs." She said and I nodded. 

"Alright. Text when you are fixing to board, as well as when you arrive." She said and I nodded 

"I will. I'll see you soon, Shelby." I said as I opened my door. 

"See you soon." She said and i grabbed my bags before I waved my goodbye. I walked in, and headed to check in line. I got my bags checked in, before heading to security. After having my carry on bag, checked I headed to my gate. I sat down and listened to music when I felt someone tap my shoulder causing me to look up and remove my headphones. 

"Your Yukiko Ataru, aren't you?" They asked and I nodded. 

"Yes I am. What can I help you with?" I asked them politely. 

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