Chapter 10 Kagami

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We were all warming up, when we all heard a loud thump, followed by someone saying ouch. I turned to see that it was that tall guy coach was talking about.

"Sorry I'm late."

I watched as captain went over to get a ball that rolled over to them.

"By the way, did you guys really beat Kaijo?"

"It was just a practice game."

"I see. I guess the Generation of Miracles isn't as strong as we though."

"The Generation of Miracles lost? They brought me here to beat them. I'm disappointed they're so weak." I watched as Dad started walking away only to stop when he bumped into something. I watched him turn looking around, only to finally look down. I watched as he picked up Kuroko.

"No, little boy. Children shouldn't be on the court." Dad said before he looked down, still holding Kuroko up in the air.

"You're a player?" He asked before he sat Kuroko down.

"They lost to a child like him? Are all the Generation of Miracles children?" Dad asked while me and the rest of the team were trying to muffle our laughter.

"Honestly, I'm starting to get annoyed." Kuroko said making all us stop laughing.

"You don't like to lose, do you?" I asked him as we all took off our outer shirts.

"I guess we'd better show Dad why he shouldn't piss off kids." I said as I cracked my hand before we lined up. I was stretching my arms some, as we waited.

"Let the game between Seirin High School and Shinkyo Academy begin."

"Let's play a good game!" We all said, before the whistle blew and the ball was thrown. I jumped up to get it, only to miss it by a hair. Bastard. I thought before I landed on my feet and ran to mark Dad, who was given the ball. A jump fade without faking? I asked myself. He's mocking me! I thought before I jumped. Dad, shot the ball, and it sailed over my hand, like it was nothing. H-He's huge. I thought before the ball went into the net, giving Shinkyo the first points.

"Too easy."

"Don't worry about it. Let's get it back." Captain said, before we went on with the game, only for our try at some points be stopped by Dad barely jumping to block the ball. We continued on with the game.

"I don't know how easy it is, but if that's your policy, you'd better not complain. Besides, we've got our own ridiculous players. We didn't have to invite them, though." I heard Captain say, when I felt Mitobe-Senpai's stare on me. 

"I'll be fine." I said before I jogged off. 

"He missed! Get the rebound!" Captain yelled, before I went back to focusing on making Dad miss his shots. 

"What's your problem?" Dad asked me once, when I jumped to try and stop his shot only to fail once again. 

"This method's stressful for me, too." I said as my eye started to twitch, when I landed back onto the court. I've gotta take him down more directly than this. I'll do it. I thought with a strained smile before I jogged and blocked Dad. 

"Hey, let me tell you two things. First, I'll block one of your shots in this game." I said. 

"There's no way you can do that. I will not lose to a team with a child on it." 

"Second..." I said before I slipped around dad and was at the basket.

"This kid might give you some trouble." I said after I dunked the ball in, when Kuroko bounced it between dad's legs after Izuki-Senpai threw it towards me. 

"Could you please stop calling me a child?" Kuroko asked. 

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