Chapter Twenty

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After leaving the shoe store, we all decided to just walk around town for a little bit. I was pointing out some of my favorite spots, to hang out at, or where I've been with my friends, when I noticed a familiar shade of red. 

"Mrs. Kagami." I said and she turned around. I watched her blink before she squealed. 

"Oh my goodness! Yukiko! It's been so long! How are you?" She asked as she gave me a hug. I let out a laugh as I hugged her back. 

"I've been doing good." I said. 

"More than good. I mean. Look at you. A street ball Goddess. You've become a model. I just saw pictures of your last photo shoot. I never knew you could look so cute wearing a large sun hat." She said and I let out a laugh. 

"I could barely see because of that hat. Came close to walking into the walls several times." I said and she laughed. 

"I can imagine. Also, look at your hair." She said as she lifted up a couple strands. 

"I love it! You should come over tomorrow so we can catch up. " She said. 

"I would like that." I said.

"Last time I was there, you and your husband weren't home, but I left a note saying that I was there to borrow his board." I said. 

"Yes, he was out of town, and I went out with some friends that day. You also left a note, when you returned the board to." she said. 

"I didn't want you or your husband to think that someone just randomly broke into your house." I said making her laugh some. 

"It's fine. He gave you a key for a reason. Besides, I know you wouldn't steal anything." She said and she smiled making my breath hitch some as I saw Taiga flash in my eyes, with his smile. She gave me another hug. 

"Please, let me know when you two confess." She whispered in my ear making me blush. 

"Yes ma'am." I muttered. 

"Though, I'm sure you would steal his clothes he left behind." She said quietly before she pulled back making my face explode from how red I got. She sent me a smirk before she booped my nose. 

"Before I go, let's take a picture together." she said and pulled out her phone. We got closer, and she took a picture of us smiling before she made a funny face. I followed her lead and she took the picture before she kissed my forehead shocking me as she took another photo. We both laughed it off as she put her phone away. 

"I'll see you tomorrow, Yukiko." She said before she walked off. 

"You know her?" 

"Ya. She's my friends mom." I said as I made sure I wasn't going to cry any time soon, as I put a hand to my forehead. A motherly kiss to the forehead, after so long. I thought. 

"Miss Yukiko." I heard a soft voice say making me look down to see a little boy. I smiled and dropped to his height. 

"Hi. What's your name?" I asked him. 

"I'm Luke." he said in a shy voice. 

"It's nice to meet you, Luke!" I said with a smile. 

"I wanted you to have this." He said and he practically shoved a piece of paper into my hands. I looked down to see that it was a hand drawn picture. I looked at it to see that it was me holding a basketball with what I'm guess is Luke by my side smiling. 

"I drew us playing basketball together." he said as he blushed. I smiled softly before I looked at him. 

"How would you like to make this drawing a reality one day?" I asked him. 

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