Chapter 28 Kagami

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After I finally but painfully made it back to my apartment, from playing against the two kings, eating, and hiding away from Kuroko and his new dog, I crashed onto my bed, face first. Holy shit, this is painful. I thought as the pain kept pulsing in my legs. I need to call her. I thought as I lifted up my head, and pulled out my phone. I made my way through my contacts before I clicked on Snow's name. I didn't have to wait long, before she answer. 


"Domo, Snow." I said. 

"Well. What happened, with your games today?" She asked as I heard people talking in the background. 

"We won." I said in a tired tonce. 

"Congrats! I know you are tired from playing against two strong schools, but there is something else wrong. Isn't there?" She asked and I rolled over so I was on my back. 

"Ya. I messed up my legs. I jumped to much." 

"You what!" She yelled forcing me to hold my phone away from my ear, as she ranted and yelled at me. 

"I know your upset at me, but didn't think-" I started to say only for her to cut me off. 

"You don't think!" She yelled. Not true. I think about you a lot. I thought. 


"Don't 'Snow.' me! Do you know how heavy you are? I feel bad for your teammates that had to carry you back! You also have exams coming up! Huh? I know you can't play the next game, without passing your exams!" 

"I'll pass my exams." 

"You better! There's absolutely no way, I want to deal with you crying because you couldn't play, because of your grades!" She said. 

"I will pass. I promise. How are you gearing up for your trip around the world?" I asked so she could stop yelling at me. It's great. I'm already done, taking my state exams. It also looks like I'll be able to leave early, and be in Japan for a longer vacation." she said and I couldn't help but smile softly once I heard that. 

"That's great." 

"I can't wait! Oh, I've also been helping some new friends train for the upcoming Streetball Competition. Since, I won't be here to give the trophy back, Alex is going to take my place. None of White Knights will be participating this year." She said and I could hear the sad tone. 

"Hey, you guys can always play next year. Besides, I know you don't play to win the trophy or prize money." 

"I know I don't but I still enjoy playing." 

"When you smile as you play, you can never not have fun or learn to hate the game." We both said and I could almost physcally see her smile. 

"I'm glad you won, but I'm disappointed in you for messing up your legs. I want to be angry at you, but I can't because I messed up mine all those years ago. It wouldn't be fair." She said. 

"I know." I said as I heard someone calling her back. 

"Oh. I gotta go, but I'll see you soon. I miss you, Taiga." She said. 

"I miss you too, Yukiko." I said and I heard her breath hitch some before I heard her hand up. 

"Damn it, I'm itching to play." I said as I spun the ball on my finger as I stood next to coach while everyone else played. 

"You have to wait until your legs heal!" Coach said. 

"Nice pass!" 

"Arf!" I heard and I cringed. He's here. I thought as I turned and saw him at the door, before running to the other door. 

"Huh? You really don't like them?" Coach asked. 

"Hai." I said in a weak tone, as I finally reached the door knob. I was shaking in pain, as I started to pull myself up. 

"Kagami-Kun..." I heard Kuroko say making me turn some only to see him holding the dag. 

"Don't say that." He said with weird eyes. 

"Don't look at me with those eyes!" I yelled. 

"He's cute." 

"Don't Kuroko! I'll kill you later!" I yelled as I ran away from him, with Kuroko chasing me with the dog. God damn it! Why do I hear her laughing at me! I thought as I continued to run away, until Coach got mad. 

The next day everyone found themselves in the pool. As they did their stretches, I flinched away from Nigou. 

"What a cute dog." I heard someone new say making me turn only to see a pink haired girl, wearing a bikini and a jacket. I blinked in shock before quickly turning away. She seems dangerous. I thought. 

Riko POV

"Who does she think she is? Just because her books are a little big and she's kind of cute, you guys are making too much of a fuss over her! Right, Hyuga-Kun?" 

"Yeah, right." 

"Wait, Tetsu-Kun! Tetsu-Kun!" 

"Don't try to sneak glances at her!" I yelled as I punched Hyuga into the pool. 

"You'll kill Hyuga-San!" Momoi said. 

"Huh? How do you know my name?" 

"I know all of you. Seirin basketball club captain and clutch shooter, Hyuga-San. The eagle-eyed point guard, Izuki-San. The silent and hard working hook shooter, Mitobe-San.  The power forward with incredible jumping power, Kagami-Kun. Also Koganei-San and Tsuchida-San. Finally...The barely-B coach, Riko-San." Momoi said. 

"Don't be ridiculous!" I yelled in embarrassment. What's her problem? I asked myself. 

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