Chapter 13 Kagami

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Our next couple games, went extremely well. Beating one team with the score of one hundred and eighteen to fifty one. Then the next game was seventy one to ninety two. It was time for our orth game, when the other team finally walked in, as we all warmed up. 

"It's the fourth round. We might actually have a tough game for once."

"We're against Seirin today." 

"This should be easy. They got destroyed in the championship league last year"

"They're nothing but a new school that made it through with sheer luck." I heard them say, making me stop stretching and stand up. It's those guys from before. I thought as I remembered seeing them after our practice game. 

"it's those guys from the other day." I said outloud. 

"We'll destroy them this..." I heard one say before they walked into me. They stopped and looked up. 

"So, we meet again." I said and he reacted some. 

"Hello." Kuroko said as he spun the ball on his finger, making the whole team scared. We destroyed them one hundred and eight to forty one. 

"We're doing well." 

"At this rate, maybe we'll easily make it, through the preliminaries all the way to the championship league." 

"How naive."

"It must be nice being so young and carefree." 

"For the last ten years, the same three schools have moved on to the championship league from Tokyo. King of the East, Shutoku. King of the west, Senshinkan. King of the North, Seiho. They're evenly matched, so they top team changes every year, but they never let anyone else get better than fourth place. They're the three immobile kings of Tokyo. After our fifth match are the semifinals, then the finals. In the finals, we'll most likely come up against...The King of the East, Shutoku, that acquired Midorima Shintaro of the Generation of Miracles." Captain said and I lifted my head slightly in shock as well as hidden excitement. 

"But you guys made it to the championship league last year, didn't you?" 

"Yeah, but we didn't stand a chance." Captain said after a few moments and I put my head down. Out seniors definitely aren't weak, but...

"The three kings." I muttered. 

"Look." I heard making me look up. 

"They're here." the crowd said and we all watched as the other team walked in. 

"Looks like they came." 

"It's better to see something for yourself than hear about it. First years, prepare yourselves. You're going to see something amazing today. They're supposed to be even more amazing this year. One of the three kings of Tokyo, Shutoku High." Coach said as we all watched them walk in. 

"Shutoku! Shutoku! Shutoku!" The crowd chanted over and over again as the team walked in. 

I'm gonna go say hi." I said as I stood up and sat my towel down. 

"Sure." I heard Captain say before I was gone. I walked and one with green hair stopped to look at me. 

"Hey. You're Midorima Shintaro, aren't you?" I asked him. 

"Yes, but who are you?" He asked and I heard someone laugh slightly behind him. I held out my hand and he looked down at it. 

"You want to shake hands?" he asked and I smirked some, making him sigh before he raised his hand. I quickly pulled out a marker, and wrote down my name, team and jersey number on his hand shocking him. 

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